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Advice on Georgie please??


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Hi all,

My AG Georgie who is nearly two is absolutely mad about my partner when we are sitting down its him he will go to and want rubs and scratches from... He always tries to mate with him too which of course we dont encourage. Does not want anything to do with me even tho im the main care giver (the only care giver) i am home all day with him but he just does hes own thing until my partner comes home and he is straight over to him.lol


When I go to rub etc... he just tries to bite me and really does not want me near him... i dont react and he doesnt bite too hard but its obvious he just doesnt want me bothering him. he will step up for me no prob and sit on my shoulder sometimes but thats really it... I know greys usually take to one person and thats no prob but just wondering if anyone has any advice as how to get him to tolerate my even just a little bit more as my partner doesnt even have near the same interest as i do . Im afraid that he is getting more and more aggressive towards me and that soon i wont be able to handle him at all.


He's my baby and i would love to be able to do more with him...

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When did this start? How long have you been with this partner? Is it always been like this towards your partner? Maybe it could be just a phase, but it would be just guessing.. It would be good to have more info. IMO, it isn't so omportant that you are his care giver. I doo all the work and my Zak still loves my BF more. Howewer, I think you should be the only one giving treats to your birdie so this might help. Maybe you should start with treats when your partner is not there so it couldn't be, even inadvertenly, considered as a reward for a bad behaviour towards you.

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I have been with my bf since before i brought Georgie home and he has always took to my bf that little bit more but over the last few months he has just wanted less and less to do with me... :( Even when i am on my own with him he doesn't want to know.


Im just not sure if my bf should spend less time with him or if that will upset him more... I also think he is very territorial and of his cage and play area but is also narky with me when he is in other areas...

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Well, than you are kinda in similar situation as I am with my CAG. Zak is also in love with my bf:-S I am patient and every day I find something new to do that Zak may like, so that could be our new thing together and I think I'm winning him over bit by bit..at least I'd like to think that;-) I have it easier than you tho, because my Zak is not really aggressive towards me. He used to be a bit, but as I said..I try doing new and fun stuff with him so he would like to spend more time with me too:-) Today we were sunbathing and that is a new thing for us.. So, we sit on the balcony, eat fruit, talk; today we even played a bit and he seams more relaxed. I call for him to come wash dishes with me, although I know he would rather just sit somewhere in the room with my bf, but better something than nothing, right? :P

Now, Zak is sitting with me while I pay my bills. There is no way in hell, he won't like me best when I'm through with him ;-P Loooooooool Just kidding...but there is some truth to it.. I would like for him to like spending more time with me:)

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  • 4 months later...
  Georgiesmum said:
Update: I have done alot of work with George these passed couple of months and it has payed off as George is back to his lovely self again :)


That is great news! What sorts of things did you do? I'm just curious. Egan is just 6 months old and loves me but I want to be prepared for a time when that might change.

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well i just kinda let him know who is boss and ive he didnt step up for me when letting him out of cage then i would close the door and turn again later until he did step up inside of just letting him climb out... i stop letting him play on the top of his cage much too because he is terratorial of it and he thinks he is boss up there so more time of the playstand and other places instead and generally been just a bit more firm with him :)

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A grey picks a forever friend! That is great, but NOT acceptable. I was Sophie's bond, but she was encouraged, to tolerate forever friends in our family.She did so. It was alot of work. I will be glad to help you, but you may not like what I have to say! It will require a ton of commitment. It also will require you to be the parent, your baby grey, is the child. I base all my teaching, "You are the child, I am the parent." I never stray from this belief. Nancy

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