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Breeding Tips!


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Hello GUise......


I am Jawad(Nick is J).I am a new Commer here in this forum...I ahave 5 Breeder pairs of African Grey Parrots from last 1 year. But I donot have any tips that how can I successfull in this matter so any expert can guide me I ll be very thankfull.....Secondly I Have a Tame Grey Parrot too....His nails disturbed me alot what can I Do..

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Hi & welcome.


Are all your breeding pairs housed together ? They need to be housed as pairs in separate aviaries,with a flight & nesting box & an indoor shelter.Are they healthy adult birds ? Did any produce babies before you got them ?

Do any of the pairs look like they have bonded ? Look for birds who sit next to each other engaging in mutual preening and even feeding one another. Disturb the birds as little as possible. Pairs should feel that the nestbox is theirs alone.Breeding birds need to be fed on a high quality diet to produce good quality eggs.

African Grey’s do not have a specific breeding season; they can and will lay at any time of year.


As for your greys toes if his nails are to sharp you need to visit an avian vet to get them cut, provide him with good quality perches not just wooden ones.:)

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Tracy, aka lovemygreys, gave you some excellent advice and I cannot add any as I have no experience with breeder birds.


Now the nails do get very sharp and need to be trimmed from time to time and if you have some of those rough perches like concrete ones that also helps keep the nails filed down.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your greys.

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I have a pair of breeder quakers and I care for over 60 breeder birds.

You have some very good advice so far. But I would like to add.

Some birds can take a few years to ever have any clutches. And some just won't for you but may for someone else.

How old are they? Are any proven breeders?

More info would be helpful to be able to help you better.

Good luck

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Dear Thank you so much for the reply and guide me alot...I am not confirm about bonding B coz when i go near by them they start screeming but b coz of DNS(SEXING) I know 5 females and 5 males are togather in one cage. amd all are Adults I use quality feed and also Wooden perches..But how i cut their nails is there any picture of it...

Now just gide me what abt if I put 5 nest boxes in one cage if there is some any bonded pair then they select one box Is it the right IDEA...



Jawad A.Sheikh

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I donot know they breed before or not... bcoz i purchased each parrot from different persons. But i am confirm about their sex b coz of DNA test and also confirm they are all adult...

I also aggree with yoou that some bird take time... but some time you made some little mistakes which disturb your bird and he dont like to breed...


Kindly guide me more

thank you so much dear


Jawad A.Sheikh

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Most of the breeders i know house their greys in separate aviaries,you may need to split them up into pairs & house them separately if you are going to breed successfully from any of them.When they are paired up they pretty much dont like to be disturbed if you can help,just for feeding & cleaning.

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With the nails I would get concrete perches like Judygram said. I bought one for my Grey even before he could perch...without trimming or filing they are great pets for diabetics’ cause their claws are like little needles. My fingers were getting pricked every time I picked him up as a baby.


I don't breed Parrots myself, just finches, but the breeders I know all house the birds in pairs in separate cages...that may be your problem.

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THank you so much guise for the suggestions. Thats reall helpfull for me. But now the point is how can i separate them all... I read in some books that if we separate female from any pair or separate the male.then after some time put them togather again. they dont like each other b coz the male specially beat her wife and shout on her...... So what u gise suggest me about separation of 5 pairs from a one cage.....what about my idea of putting 5 nest boxes in a single cage and when they just select their boxes then simply separate them ................and what about medicine... is there any suppliments or any sexual medicine with which he like to sex with her female.....b coz i need clutch in the season its most importent for me...also need ur help...

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Nope five next boxes wont do it. Watch them see what pairs seem to be bonded and take them out in pairs and move them to their own cages.

Nope no medicine or supplements to make them breed. Just offer a good diet and their own cages and then see what happens.

Most birds only breed in the spring. Some might breed in the off season but that is not the norm.

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As Tari says & we told you before, they need to be seperated,Watch to see if any of them look like they have bonded,if not you will just have to make them in to pairs & house them separately if you want to have any chance of any of them breeding, after all that your not guaranteed they will breed.Adding 5 nest boxes simply will not work.

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hey guise I just say that i put that boxes just for separation the pairs not for the breed. b coz the cage size is not so big and that cage have only one stick in which all the pairs sit togather. and when i go near to them they all scream alot no body can stand near to them... now u tell me what to do...I think the best option is just separate them in pairs without seeing they are bounded or not.... and 1 more thing the cage size is 30inches height and 30 inches width and 60 inches front is this size is ok.. b coz i read in lot of books about the size......reply me b coz in this coming monday i finalize all that thing......and which diet u prefer best for them......

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Hi Jawad,


Just out of curiosity. Why did you purchase all these African Greys for breeding purposes, when you have no experience with even one pair of Greys?


You have taken on a great responsibility and also probably spent a few $$$ on this new endeavor that may put the Greys at risk.


I am not looking down upon your actions, I am just curious as to why you have taken this path. :-)

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That cage size sound great for ONE breeder pair. They need more perches and they need toys.

As far as diet goes take a look at the food forum. I have a post with picture for what I feed the 60 plus breeders I feed.

I am sure if you set down next to them in a chair they well settle down and then you can watch them and be able to tell with just a little time who is hanging out with who and then move them that way.

Im sorry I am having a really hard time reading your post. Less abbreviations would help.

Thank you<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/09/14 16:43

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hello Guise thank u very much for ur reply...

1st of all B) B) Danmcq B) I buy all these just b coz I seen these birds in a pain..the last honoour behave very bad with them....thats y I buy all these pairs and start research on them. Now I can feel with me they are happy they have huge cage and good food and everthing they need. and their happiness i can feel with their health...

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jawadsheikh wrote:

B) Danmcq B) I buy all these just b coz I seen these birds in a pain..the last honoour behave very bad with them....thats y I buy all these pairs and start research on them. Now I can feel with me they are happy they have huge cage and good food and everthing they need. and their happiness i can feel with their health...


You are very kind hearted rescuer Jawadsheikh. :-)


The way you are setting them up with larger cages and providing the attention and love to them is commendable.


Thanks for answering, I just wondered. B)

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Well, with finches most of the time they are very skittish when someone walks up to the cage and start flying everywhere...you said this is a big problem for you. I would start spending more time with them and start by walking as close as you can without the birds going nuts. I'd get a folding chair and set it down as close as the birds are comfortable with and just sit and watch them for a while. Every day move a little bit closer in increments the birds don't notice. Before you know it you will be able to get close to the cage without all the birds going ape. That’s when you will be able to pick out the pairs for separation.

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