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weight loss tips ?


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As we all know that Weight loss is really concern of people in these days so i have decided to share some weight loss tips as follows



Eat simple and oil food

Drink Green Tea instead of Beverages

Get some exercise which might be helpful to loss weight

Take sleep for 8 hours

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As we all know that Weight loss is really concern of people in these days so i have decided to share some weight loss tips as follows



Eat simple and oil food

Drink Green Tea instead of Beverages

Get some exercise which might be helpful to loss weight

Take sleep for 8 hours


This is a parrot board

Any weight loss programs or advice concerning this subject can be put into our OFF TOPIC section. Please refrain from doing this in the parrot sections.



PS---I just read your weight loss post so if this post was aimed at peope instead of birds, what I said in the other post also applies here.

In this post I thought you were referring to parrots. People here know what fruit and foods to eat so post about birds, not people!

Edited by Dave007
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Drink LOTS of water (8 or more 8oz glasses per day!)

Walking @ 2mph for a MINIMUM of 1/2 hour


Your diet should consist of:

-Fish, chick, turkey etc limiting intake of pork and red meats

-MOSTLY veggies



-Avoid starches, breads and pasta - these are hidden sugars! they may not have sugar directly in them but you body metabolizes them as SUGAR


OMEGA 3 is your friend!


Use coconut oil in place of other oils


NO process foods


8 hours of sleep minimum.


Take 1 tbsp of per day (this aids with heart health and function making working out a little easier over time!)


Exercising for 5 days per week giving yourself 2 off days.


Set REALISTIC goals (no one will loose 150 lbs in a month - and remember the less weight you have to loose the longer it may take! going from 180 to 150 is easier then going from 130 to 120 as allot of the initial weight loss is "water weight" )


Allow your self 1 "binge" day per week ( IE a day where you can have a SERVING of junk food once and a while, don't pig out and be sensible about it!


Drink grapefruit juice


Take cool or COLD showers! this has been proven to benfit in both weight loss as well as helping with inflammation if you aren't use to exercising.


If you are a "FOOD ADDICT" find the ROOT of the addiction (do you eat when you get depressed, bored, quitting a habit?) and CHANGE the behaviour or eat HEALTHY food instead (instead of a tub of ben and jerry's eat a bag of baby carrots!)


Replace the junk food in your life with fruits and veggies.


Go through your cupboards:

-ANYTHING that has over 15% of your daily sodium? toss it!

-ANYTHING with added sugar? TOSS IT!

-Ya know what, any really processed, or bleached or starchy food in general? TOSS THEM TO!


General rule of thumb: If it doesn't come from a plant and it doesn't have a mother? DON'T EAT IT!


See a Nutritionist, a councilor and a personal trainer! why?

-the nutritionist will advise you on what is best for you to eat and make meal plans for you in most cases,

-a councilor will help you discover your underlying problems and help you cope with the stresses of loosing weight,

-a personal trainer will make a workout regime custom to YOU based off of any medical issues or physical pain you deal with and help to keep you motivated to keep working out and push you to do the things that you thought you couldn't in a safe and supervised way!


Super food? the DO exist but they aren't some miracle cure!


super foods for disease resistance: http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/5-superfoods-eat-now

super foods to aid weight loss: http://www.oprah.com/health/Dr-Perricones-10-Superfoods



FIBER IS YOUR FRIEND! It regulates your insulin levels which are well known to pack on the pounds! as well fiber makes you feel fuller!

See eating allot of fruit and veggies is a great thing for MANY reasons!


Need dressing on your salad? make your own using a balsamic vinegar, some herbs, a pinch of sea salt, some pepper, and some EVOO


i have more but im not grabbing my journal that's just a few tips LOL

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