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Sterling Gris, Will be the Death of Me!


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Sterling Gris is 5 months old today and weighs in at 486 grams. Today he made my heart stop again. I'm sittting type on the Forum and I hear this loud and terrifying squawking! I look up and Sterling is hanging upside down with his leg wrapped in the long chain of the bell that hangs on the boing above my desk!



He is hanging there with all his weight on that one trapped leg! I immediately rush to support his weight with one hand while trying not to feel the bites I am getting from this scared little (well, he is large, but very young!) grey. It was not fun to try and unwrap this flapping grey from the chain that was wrapped twice around his leg but I got the job done and Sterling Gris is as good as gold. Naturally, I took the bell down and racked my brain to figure out how to rehang this loved toy that has been a part of my parrots' lives for three years.


So, here it is re-modeled!



And yes, you guessed it, Sterling Gris was back on the boing as if nothing had happened. He was playing with the bell, but I missed the pictures (darn it!) But I did get this one:



If nothing else, my parrots are all fearless and adventurous little devils! Got to love them and am so grateful that I was there at the time of this second "accident"!

Edited by luvparrots
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Hi Janet it looks like Sterling is the one that will turn your hair all white and that may be the congo in him. Croky can get into more crap than all of my other birds put together.

And than when she is done she will look at you like did I do that and go on to her next adventure as you try to get over her last heart stopper.

He is going to be a real joy.

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Baheaheha.. You guys made me laugh so hard!:-D -except the first post! That was a fright alright!:-( Glad he's ok. Love what you've done with the bell:-) Hope it is completely parrot safe now.. Well, I can imagine your boy will tell us that soon..;-)

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You certainly scared me with that title but glad to hear you worked out a way so as Sterling does not get tangled again in that chain, he seems like he is fearless and it was good that you were home to get him out of his predictament, can't wait to see what he gets into next, yes you definitely have a boy on your hands.

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Uh, I just realized that from my post is sounds like the event with Sterling Gris made me laugh:-S Not at all! I meant that the comments you and Ray posted were very funny:-) When I read the first post, it made me choke; it sure wasn't funny:-( Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Janet: You need to start: "The Saga of the Antics of Sterling Gris"


It sounds like your baby boy gave you quite a scare. I'm glad he's ok. He's in that baby learning stage & i'll bet he will come up w/ alot of things you never could imagine !!!

I really love reading your posts !! Has Sterling started talking yet??

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Gwen, all my parrots are busy all day long and into everything. Sterling Gris is always busy or into something. If he isn't being bullied by Louie and Ana Grey, he is pestering them to no end! He really didn't learn is lesson about the bell because he is always banging around it or fighting Louie for it! As for talking, he just turned 5 months old!!!! If he does talk, it will be great, but with two parrots already talking up at storm I can wait awhile! He is whistling and make sounds though!








Having three flighted parrots loose all day can be very trying!!!! LOL!!! Got to love it!!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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Good Morning Janet.. Thanks for the new pics on the boing !!! He looks like a real clown.. Your right, i only have one fid that dominates, talks, etc. (my other fid is a female tiel who only calls when i leave the rm. she is a cuddler) and if i multiply Roscoe to three, i would have my hands full !!! It's hard enough to keep up w/ Roscoe's adventures ( he has curiousity beyond belief ) --- let alone in THREE directions...

Sounds like Sterling Gris is an instigator -- like my 2 grandsons -- constantly picking & being picked on. no wonder we call 'em "fids" !!! You have a full-time job !!!

Also, i just noticed he has a full wht. face, not just a wht. mask like Ana Grey & Roscoe... neat..

Thanks again & keep the pics & updates coming............ :)))

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