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Jasper,my amazon


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Hi bird lovers.I have an 18 month old orange tipped which is going to have a friend(i hope)jess a 10 year old grey,which needs a new permanent home,back to my bomb proof jasper,just recently 12 weeks or so,jaspers wings have got a lot of black on her wings,i took her to the vets,he said it was her diet,so ive changed that,but her wings still have large black ares,can any kind person shed some light on this for me?jasp is very very active,she doesnt seem to be in any discomfort at all.Many thanks fellow bird lovers.

steve & jasper.

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Steve, you didn't give much to go on. What do you feed your bird? What did you change her diet to? If fethers have spots you will probably have to wait another molt to see if there is some change. I don't think structure or pigmentation on the feather can change once the feather is out. Someone with more knowledge will explain better:-) Btw, does your bird have an avian lighting or do you take her outside to sun bathe?


PS: could you please post a picture so we can see what you are talking about?

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Hi morana.Thanks again for replying.Jaspers diet had too many goodies in it,she was picking the best and leaving the healthy things behind.

She has lots of fruit,apples are her fav,some vegetables and a full seed diet.The dark patches are the same as when i shower her,but im sure her green is slowly coming back ,ive just started to give her a little bit of fesh boiled egg in the morning,extra protein.She has not got a uv light yet,but i was thinking of getting one,she goes outside occasionally,probably not enought.Thank you again.ill try and sort some pics out,when jasp is having a nap,she just loves my glasses.haha.

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Hi Steve, its great you took Jasper to the vet and the new diet should do wonders for her. Hopefully after a molt, Jasper's feathers will no longer be laced with black now that you have her on a better diet. I look forward to hearing more about Jasper and seeing some pictures. I totally love my BF zon, Louie, they are such fantastic little clowns and so full of energy!

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Thanks for the thread,i have put some pics of jasper up now,you can see the dark patches on her wings,i hope ive done the right things,fun and games on sunday,jess a 10 year old grey is coming to live with us,she needed a new home so badly,i cant wait to get the two together,eventually.

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