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my new grey

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Hi all.

Im about to bcome the new owner of a 10 year old grey called jess.She has been neglected and restricted by her current owner.I have an orange winged amazon as well so i know a few things,im not sure what to expect from a 10 year old grey.i will give her all the love and patience in the world,i just adore parrots,.Jess has so much in her just waiting to come out,,and just being with her for an hour at her owners home, she was comfortable with me.I need some advice from all you kind owners if you dont mind.I am so excited about getting jess ,i just want her to have a loving and caring home and want whats best for her.Many thanks to you all.


Edited by Stevie
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Hi Steve and welcome! :-)

Very great of you for wanting to adopt and older Grey in need and giving her a forever home:-)

You'll do good if you go through threads that are already here and we'll try to fill in if you have any more questions. You already know that patience is crucial and if this Grey has serious issues it will take time. The pertinent thing for Jess is to find her a nice big cage, avian vet that you trust, lot of different kinds of toys...and soon we'll be talking about the rest;-) You should get her checked out by an avian vet when you get her home, or even ON the way home. Maybe it would be good idea to do schedule the check up so that you get everything done in one day (if you can) to avoid extra stress for we don't know how will she react to driving, carrier,... Afterwards, just nice and easy.. Let her come out of her cage on her on pace, offer treats, talk to her a lot... Don't push anything and you'll do great:-)

Love to hear more about you and your new member of your family and we would love some pictures:-)

Edited by Morana
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Thank you for the kind welcome,and words of advice.Jess is having a new cage delivered on wednesday,much larger than the wee thing she is in at the moment,we took jasper our amazon to see her on sunday,didnt bat an eye,jasper is bomb proof,lol,we had jasp from 10 weeks old,you would think we had her for years,very useful with me at home all day everyday,jess will get all the attention she needs.

Many thanks again ,this is a great family to be a member of.wonderful to be among lovers of our feathered friends.


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Hi Stevie and welcome to thr grey forum

It`s sounds like you have a good start with Jess and I know you will do ok with Jess,

Along with my grey Corky I also have a rehomed zon a blue front named Cricket and two cockatiels Willie and Little one.

The members here are great and will help you all they can.

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Many kudos for adopting this older grey Jess and giving her a new forever home where she will get the love and attention she so deserves. Just give her time to settle into her new home and allow her time to unpack her baggage so her true personality will shine thru. Some pictures would be very welcome.

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