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My Grey finally came home!


Much, much cooler than I ever thought! He/she was scared to death when I got her home so I put her in her cage and let her be. In about an hour I say down next to the cage to watch tv and he/she was ready to come out and cuddle. SHe did this twice tonight. What a sweetie...

IMG_0650 (Medium).JPG

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How old? When our Grey was a baby and we first brought her home she would only go to sleep if I let her tuck her little head under my chin, LoL. Bond with her now and spend a lot of time with her when she's little and you'll have a friend for life!

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Congrats on getting your new baby grey home with you and she is an adorable sweetie pie from the pic you shared with us. You are doing the right thing in letting her decide when to come out and just take it easy so as not to rush things. I have to agree with Morana that more pictures are needed as we love to admire them at this age.

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She's lovely!

It's funny, when I first started hanging around here, I couldn't understand why everybody wanted to see pictures of new greys all the time. After all, they all look pretty much the same. But the more pictures I see, the more I realize they all look a little different.

Your baby is absolutely adorable.

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She likes to TRY and sit on my head and shoulder. Then she started, not really biting to hurt but enough pressure to let me know that removing her wasn't what she wanted. That's the end of that fun and game! She will quickly realize she needs me, I don't need to be up her butt 24/7 lol.


Her eating has picked up.

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SO I got him/her Monday, Thursday she flew from 6 feet away to me. So I started calling her by saying come one and tapping my shoulder. This has worked for the most part. She lands on my head so I just pick her up off my head and walk around the house with her. I'm a bit shocked the short amount of time I have had her and she has picked up flying to me, on call.


I've been saying, Hello, what's up, how you doing, good morning, good night, bye, getting on the computer, Hey Tommy (My dog) and hey to each family member who comes in. She hasn't picked any of this up and don't think she will any time soon but I'm working on repetitive speech.


She seems fine with everyone in the house however when my friend/neighbor came over yesterday she didn't like him at all, growling at him. I walked her away and she was still growling. This is the same person that I have spoke of in previous posts that got an African Grey 1 to 2 years ago.


Besides growling I only hear a Chirp from her when she sees me or wants out of the cage and a hick-up sounding "chirp".


She has firmly gripped my finger but nothing really painful. She loved to attack the keyboard but after putting her in the cage, it hasn't been an issue any more. She also gave me attitude but that was nipped in the but fast. SHe seems to be a really nice bird now that we know who the alpha is so to speak.

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So I just came in the room and said Hello and hey as I always do. She chirped back as she does... I sat down long ways on the couch facing her and the cage and put the laptop in my lap. She was sitting on her play top and not in the cage. She chirped a couple of more times so I held my hand out and high thinking, yeah right. But without a second going by she flew, slowed down and landed on my hand! May be this is normal so soon for Greys to do this but I was shocked! I didn't say anything, she just saw my hand go up and flew to it.


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