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What kinds of toys does your Grey Prefer?

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my TAG Dexter loves little cat toys with bells in them, not to chew on, but to turn over and over in his talon and listen to the noises that he makes. This can keep him occupied for hours, he also likes smaller rope toys, rope is about the only thing he likes to chew on.

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Isaac started out liking to chew soft plastic things apart like plastic bottle caps and other soft plastic toys. He now loves to crack the small wooden beads off of leather straps. I bought a bag of 1000 a couple months ago, and I would make him a new toy with about 75 beads or so on it every morning and put it in his cage. Come home...most all the beads are snapped off...he loves it and it's super cheap. He like's the thinner wood pieces too...bout 1\8" thick. He'll splinter those babies too.

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Bran- Sully loves to do the same thing. He's content with those cat toys, as well as his noodle ball. He tries to pull the little bell out, and will spend hours trying to do so :)


Luv- I've heard that too. We've been going through phases where he only wants his wood toys, but a few weeks later he's all about destroying plastic! Including my water bottles :(


ElvenKing- I haven't tried the little wooden beads.... I'll have to get some!


KimKim- Foraging is always a win! I've had this same toy sitting in his cage for a few weeks he wont touch, but I put a peanut in it, and BOOM! FAVORITE TOY! :)

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Scooter really likes his Cargo Net, it took a year but he finally accepted it. Quinn is slowly getting the idea that toys are ok. He seems to enjoy chewing. Got one with a lot of hanging thin colored square blocks and he has worked hard on that one. Got another, and now have replacement animals, that has thin plastic animals hanging all over it. First the feet were gone on all of them, now the legs, soon the bodies. It has been a co=perative effort for both parrots.


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You know that shepherd's hook that goes up and curves down to hold a toy? He LOVES that! It is the toy du jour. He loves to land on it and do somersaults, and slide down with one foot. He also likes toys with small wooden pieces he can chew off. He had this woven taco thing that held streamers and stuff, he liked to take everything out and start shredding the shell. He likes a bucket with little foot toys because they all end up on the floor. We used to have a chandelier that didn't work, but it was a perfect toy holder because the cups, where the light bulbs would have been, held toys galore. Also taking the lids off of bottles is a preoccupation for him. He gets bored so easily that nothing is his favorite for long. For I time I strung uncooked pasta tubes on a leather strap and he would snap them off. He REALLY likes to destroy stuff! Elvenking where did you get the wooden beads? That sounds like something Brutus would enjoy also. I also put little things inside grape vine balls, so he can dig them out. Puzzle toys are only good until he figures them out. I really dislike buying him something that I am sure he will like, just to have him ignore it. I never could get him on the cargo net we bought. Maybe I will try it again.

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What kinds of toys does my Grey prefer? Marcus REALLY likes his big bell. He'll chew on a hanging wooden toy (cage type toy) for a while and then get bored with it. His Boing is his absolute favorite plaything, although I don't know if you could call it a toy per se. And the foot toys... ehhhhh... he seems to have decided he's "beyond" that phase at this point, but while he did play with them he generally liked leathery things.

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Sully's favorite toy is called binkies & buttons. It's 12 plastic pacifiers & buttons hung from a nickel plated chain. He LOVES that thing more than anything else. He swings from it, pushes it, chews on it, holds it while he eats... it's cute :)


Sully is quite attached to his boing as well. He was TERRIFIED when we first got it, but after about 3 months he got used to it and we put it in his cage. Now he gets on the bottom, reaches for the cage door, pulls the boing & himself up as far as possible, and lets go. He swings on it and it twists and he goes WOOOOOOOOOOO!


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Actually, I want large amounts and I have found one on Ebay that will give you 40 blocks at a time in each shape and up to 400 beads. We will see, but I think this is a good deal. Pretty much have to make my own, the bird demolish them so quickly.

Thanks for the response though.


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