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2 Baby Females


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Hi I am a female and I saw 2 cute baby female african greys. I was wondering if I were to buy those 2 and keep them in a big cage and grow up together would they get along? And with me as a female. Also would their hormones go crazy? Any suggestions or advice about getting 2 female babies would be appreciated.

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Hello and welcome! :-)

Could you please say a bit more about yourself because that too is a big factor when deciding about bringing a bird into your life, especially one like a Grey. Your habits, other pets, could you find and afford a good avian vet and checkups for both birds,are you still in school...there is so much to ask..


Greys are more like human babies than you would know. There are like a two year olds and need constant love,care and companionship. Also, they need proper food,toys,..


There is no garantee two birds will get along as you would like them to. IMO, it would be better if both of the birds would have their own cage.


Why would you like two birds?


If you would like a companion bird that would bond to you,IMO, it would be better to have one bird, but it is not a rule. It doesn't really matter whether you are a female or male because those baby birds are not set in their ways yet. When the birds get sexually mature there might be a change in their behavior. It doesn't have to be anything bad/unsolvable. You have to know that there will be good days and not so good, like all humans have..


There is so much to be said and ask but my feathered friend is licking my fingers so I can't type anymore..;-)

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Morana has asked some very pertinent questions that need to be answered before we can give you any advice as we hate to see someone buy some greys on a whim and think they are a pet that doesn't require much care or attention for the exact opposite is true, if you are truly interested in being a grey mommy then you won't mind answering these questions.

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Two birds at once might be a little too fast as one keeps me busy constantly depending on your familiarity with birds. As others have said they are like children and require a lot of dedication to provide a happy and healthy home for them. It is so easy to think that due to the size and appearance of a bird, that they are just cool and beautiful things to have around. That may be the case with smaller birds...but when you graduate to a mid to large sized parrot, the presence really changes....especially with an African Grey. I would urge you to do a lot of reading and research on Greys to determine if one is even right. It can be a bit of a trojan horse if you go in without the research. These guys live an average of 50-60 years and re-homing them is disturbing to them, so just make sure it's something you really want to dedicate yourself too.


As far as the cage situation, most people I talk to recommend separate cages.


Welcome to the forums...you have just signed on with people who really love Greys. :)

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Two greys is a lot! Especially as babies :) Also, birds kept in the same cage tend to bond together, making a relationship difficult with humans. If you're a newbie to bird ownership, I would suggest just adopting the one. But, if you've got lots of experience, and perhaps work a lot (to where you couldn't give lots of attention to a single grey) two may be a good route to go.

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I agree - especially if you've never owned parrots before. One will be a handful - two should be for experienced owners only. The amount of time needed to spend with just one is a BIG commitment - and one that you'll be taking on for a great many years. I would think about whether you'll have the 3+ hours a day to interact with a Grey, and whether you're willing to sacrifice things like vacations that may be impossible with a Grey in the house. If you decide it is something you want, I would get one to start.

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But babies are the way to go in my opinion - especially for a new owner. Adopting older Greys is a wonderful thing to do, but they bring along baggage you may not be prepared to deal with if you're a new owner......

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Keeping two greys in the same cage will result in the two of them bonding to each other unless you spend extensive time with them separately. Many here have already compared them to children - to keep going in that line of thinking - imagine how twins are in the world. They have a special bond that many people cannot understand, and will turn to each other more often than not. Even the parents of twins have a hard time breaking into their special relationship on the level of understanding. While they may be great company for each other, they may not be accepting of the human in their lives after time has passed. Extensive time literally means that - hours upon hours to develop a relationship with each one and then there may be jealousy factors that develop between them because of that time spent. Think long and hard before bringing one grey home and the amount of time you have to devote to one, two would be three to four times the amount of time for one.



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