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Issac Update - 20 Months


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So I am once again inspired by my little friend to write about our relationship and how the lil guy is doing. Well he has been doing just great. Sometimes he perches next to me and just goes through all the wierd sounds I make at him, some words, and sounds I am not sure where he gets. Probably from the TV while I am gone for the day. I leave the sounds of KPBS on for him which is a lot of kids shows. The other day I came home and he made the sounds of a spring going boing like in cartoons. Too funny. He loves the uh-oh game of tossing stuff on the grond and saying 'uh-oh'. He says 'Hello', 'Uh-oh', 'Hey boy', 'Good boy' and it really looks like he is working on his speech. What a cutie. He says "Ouch" too...ohh I wonder how he picked that up...right? Also, he makes the sound of my daughter screaming when he flys after her when she has something he wants. I got a call from my step daughter the other day asking if everything was alright cause she heard my daughter screaming upstairs. I said, "No we aren't even home but the bird is apparantly impressed with his ability to make her scream and has learned to mock her in that way."


Most of all, it's just his presence. He is just so incredible. I love him sooo damned much. The way he is so accepting of my contact with him, hundreds of kisses on his back, pats, pets and scratching of the neck. I just melt when he lands on my shoulder and tucks his head into my neck like, "I love you". I constantly cuddle him and tell him that I love him so much. He must think I am insane. I will actually take a few moments just to explain to him how much I love him as if he can understand what I am saying. What can I say...crazy about this bird. When I come home....I take him out...he does his wing stretches and lets me kiss his the part of his tummy right below his neck....ohh it's super sooooper soft and a little bit tender cause I guess he has a little meat on his bones there. Then he flexes his wings all the way back and allows me to plant another kiss or two under his wings on the side of his soft lil bird body.. (Yes...I love kissing this bird) I feel strange explaining this, but that is how it goes down everyday. A little 'welcome home' ritual.


Lately, he has taken a facination with my mouth and anything that has to do with it. I don't know what it is. He wants to explore in there and he makes himself a silly bird trying to do so somethimes. Why my mouth...I don't know.


He acts like a child when I get on the phone too. He gets all sloppy and sappy by hanging off my shirt and rolling around on his back on my arm. Rubbing his head head all around and just making himself that much more present. I think it's like a kid who acts out to get the attention back. He is silly.


Whenever I see a picture of a Grey, I immediatly want to go home and see him. I thought I might think of him less as time went on...but everyday...can't wait to get home and see him.


Below are some pictures of my lil friend. I am thinkin of getting a new video camera so that I can easily record and save to the computer. My current camera is a DV cam and it's a pain to capture and edit. Which makes taking video dreadful. So maybe look forward to some videos of my baby. Might just get one tomorrow and start saving moments with my bird and my daughter. Thanks for reading about my boy.















Edited by Elvenking
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You write such sweet things about your boy. :)


And, honestly, this will probably sound kind of funny: but there's a definite look of my Marcus about your Issac in these latest pictures, at least to me. You know how you can see a photo of a Grey online or something, and even though they're a Grey, they don't look like your Grey?? Like, maybe there's something about the eyes, or the beak, or something?... Well, in these pictures, for some reason I see a "Marcus look" in your Isaac. It's like maybe they're brothers from years-separated clutches, haha.


Anyway, I told you it would sound weird :P but I just wanted to mention that.

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Aw Stephen he is so very handsome, what a hunk, no wonder you are so enthralled with him, who wouldn't be and its apparent that he loves the camera as much as you love him, what a ham Issac is.

So glad you made another update, they are coming few and far between now but then that is to be expected as he grows into a mature grey, not that he is any less endearing but the babies are just so adorable that something new is happening all the time and there were more firsts then than now.

I think he knows what buttons to push and you are a very willing participant, you two have a wonderful relationship that just gets better with time and we love hearing all about the details and video would be greyt.

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Aw Stephen he is so very handsome, what a hunk, no wonder you are so enthralled with him, who wouldn't be and its apparent that he loves the camera as much as you love him, what a ham Issac is.

So glad you made another update, they are coming few and far between now but then that is to be expected as he grows into a mature grey, not that he is any less endearing but the babies are just so adorable that something new is happening all the time and there were more firsts then than now.

I think he knows what buttons to push and you are a very willing participant, you two have a wonderful relationship that just gets better with time and we love hearing all about the details and video would be greyt.


I am looking to step it up as far as updates with Issac. That is why i am lookin to get a good video cam that lets me convert quick...you guys gotta see him in action..what a sweetie. And yep...he knows he can get away with. Most people would have roasted him for dinner by now...but I love him no matter what he does. And he does a lot. He is in fact very lucky I love him now that I think about it...LOL. No really...we all know its not always just paradise with birds flying in beauty...they can get to stuff...but what I love is that...even given that...I just love, love, love, him.

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Wonderful update on Issac and the photos were very much appreciated. You two have been here since you first got Issac and your like family members to us. I really look forward to seeing videos of him.


The love you feel for Issac is unimaginable by non-parrot people. I think we all feel that deep parental love for our avian friends.


Thanks for sharing all this. Issac is one highly intelligent grey and beautiful grey. :)

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Pictures are great, good job. I couldn't read too much of your post as it made me feel upset right now. Murphy & Issac are like cyber brothers & reading your posts in the past was like a two month window into the future of Murphy & not having him here right now makes me feel sad. I've tried to stay involved here at grey forums but it's hard.

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It brings me to tears when I think about how much you must miss Murphy. check almost daily to see if there's any good news about him. Stick with the forum if you can, though we know it must be hard to read as we share our stories about our fids. We're here to try to support you in any way we can as you go through this difficult time. And of course we're all hoping to see some wonderful news really soon!

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Isaac is beautiful! Great pictures!!


Gemma has become really interested in dentistry lately, too. She likes to try to play with my teeth, and one day I tapped her beak with my teeth (would hate to think what THAT looked like) and she was enthralled! Sometimes it's good when there are no cameras around to capture the things we do to make our fids happy!

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Isaac is beautiful! Great pictures!!


Gemma has become really interested in dentistry lately, too. She likes to try to play with my teeth, and one day I tapped her beak with my teeth (would hate to think what THAT looked like) and she was enthralled! Sometimes it's good when there are no cameras around to capture the things we do to make our fids happy!


Murphy used to do that too but when I read about the dangers of letting them in your mouth I put a stop to it...................well I tried & he kept trying to get in the little monkey.

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Pictures are great, good job. I couldn't read too much of your post as it made me feel upset right now. Murphy & Issac are like cyber brothers & reading your posts in the past was like a two month window into the future of Murphy & not having him here right now makes me feel sad. I've tried to stay involved here at grey forums but it's hard.


So sorry bout Murphy. I know that when I heard that he flew away I felt the same thing. They are close in age and knowing how I felt for the 24 hours Isaac was loose, I can imagine how hard it must be to visit this site. I still hope for his return.

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Wonderful update on Issac and the photos were very much appreciated. You two have been here since you first got Issac and your like family members to us. I really look forward to seeing videos of him.


The love you feel for Issac is unimaginable by non-parrot people. I think we all feel that deep parental love for our avian friends.


Thanks for sharing all this. Issac is one highly intelligent grey and beautiful grey. :)


I got an HD Camcorder yesterday and the thing is amazingly, incredibly cool. At times it's like looking into a window to the past, shockingly clear and in High Def glory. I took a few samples of my daughter and Isaac yesterday and it was truly cool. So I will try to get some footage of him being a rascal and we will see what I can post up here soon. Cheers.

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It doesn't seem possible that baby Isaac is 20 months old already. He was one of the babies online just after I joined the forum. You have the fairy tale story of love and devotion and I really enjoy your posts. Through thick and thin, shredded household items and carpet stains, you and Isaac are a team. And where did he pick up "Ouch"? Are you pinching his toe? LOL Thanks for the updates and for being the best friend a bird could dream up.

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It doesn't seem possible that baby Isaac is 20 months old already. He was one of the babies online just after I joined the forum. You have the fairy tale story of love and devotion and I really enjoy your posts. Through thick and thin, shredded household items and carpet stains, you and Isaac are a team. And where did he pick up "Ouch"? Are you pinching his toe? LOL Thanks for the updates and for being the best friend a bird could dream up.


It's the sound I make when he bites me. LOL. This mostly happens when I have something in my hand that he wants, and I am not going to give it to him.

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