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Sully... Where'd you go!?


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Sully and I were sitting here this evening, me on the computer and he on the bottom perch of his T-stand. As I was reading all the new posts on the forum, things suddenly got quiet... you know what that means..


I started searching for him. I had shut all the bedroom doors, Bird toy room door (where I keep a bird free environment for JBS Bird Toys) and bathroom doors, and knew he must be somewhere in the living room. So, I stood still for a minute, listening, and I said, "Sully, Where'd you go!?" and I hear knocking.


Sully was sitting at the bottom of the bird toy room door down the hall, banging his beak on the door! I walked into the hall, put my hand down and he stepped up, and he yelled "TOYS!"


LOL! Funny guy. He knows all the good stuff is in that room, I guess because that's where I take all my boxes when they come in and I tell him there are toys in there...


Smarty pants :)

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Can't you take a hint, Sully wants a new toy, you aren't pulling any wool over his eyes and he knows full well there are plenty of toys behind that door, smarty pants grey, you gotta love the little fella don't you Jenn, now go give him a new toy will ya!

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LOL He's not hurtin for toys! haha, I always feel kinda guilty whenever I bring in these huge boxes of toys, and I walk RIGHT PAST his cage... so he gets one... or ten. :)


Don't you know it's the toys he hasn't got that he wants ! Especially your toys!

Whilst I was writing this Misty made off with my cell phone!:eek:

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