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He HATES to go to bed


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ALL of my parrots hate to go bed, but Pancho, the amazon, REALLY hates to go to bed! He growls and lunges, but he still goes. I have to use a stick because I am a little afraid (okay a lot) of his beak. I cover their cages at night. I am pretty sure they did not cover his cage before- is that the problem? What do you think? Should I leave his cage uncovered at night?

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That is totally up to you. If your house is quite for 10 hrs and no light is coming in then he probably don't need to. When any of my birds give me a hard time going to the cage for bed time, I just get a treat and put it in the food bowl. They can't wait to see what I put in there and I just close the door after them.

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I've long since resorted to bedtime bribery. Everyone goes to bed happy & w/a little something to hold them over til morning.


But I do think it's worth seeing if Pancho has a change in attitude if you stop covering his cage. My guys don't like covers at all, so I only use them when it's really cold in the winter.


And you both know you're afraid of getting bitten. Which means Pancho is apt to keep up the behavior just for that reason, alone. Best if you can defuse the situation, if you can.

Edited by birdhouse
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All my birds will go in their cage on there own at bedtime. We live in the country so it is very dark at nite, but Cricket my zon will let you know if you don`t cover her cage.

She won`t let you sleep untill she is covered and we don`t leave any lights on in the house and there are no lights at all out side the house. She just wants to be covered.

And yes we always have treats in their cage so going to there cage is never a bad thing for them.

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I have to say I have no problem with my fids going to their cage at night, Josey is usually already inside her cage just waiting for the cover to go on and yes I do cover all three cages at night, it gives them privacy and they settle down for the night better when covered as they are in the family room where we are at night until our bedtime though Josey has on occasion uttered a word or so after lights out.

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The only one I have trouble with going to bed is Ana Grey, she flies over hill and dale until I use my "pissed off" voice and then she settles down. I think it is more a game for her now and exercise before being "locked up". I don't cover anyone as they have their own room with a drape over the window. I do not leave a light on. Each parrot is different, try covered and uncovered to see which Pancho likes best. Ana Grey is usually the alarm clock in the morning, she loves to talk first thing in the AM. I just lie in bed and smile, I so love to listen to my babies!

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I don't cover my cages, but I have full spectrum lighting on both cages that goes off at 8 PM on a timer. My BB stops what ever he is doing, eating, playing, etc. and climbs into his hut immediately when the light goes off and won't come out until it turns on in the morning at 8 AM lol. My TAG doesn't sleep in her hut yet, but she also settles down when the lights go out.

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My Angel tells me when she's ready for bed. Usually around 9:30 p.m. she starts saying "Ready for bed?". When I first got her I always asked her if she was "ready for bed?" before I'd cover her cage. After about a month, she started telling me when it was time. I've also learned from her that if I have her out too close to bed time she gets cranky and won't listen. So... no free time after 9 p.m.

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We only have one cage for each bird. I also go to bed early, so noise is not a problem. We also have the birds near the kitchen which is separate from the living room where we have the TV. When we cover their cages they "shut off" immediately and do not respond to additional noise outside their cages. I guess you could see what works best.

Edited by chezron
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