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Just a Teflon Reminder


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Okay, I might get a few jabs here for this, but I bake and cook fancy dishes in the autumn--and that's really it. I can feel autumn's fingers reaching even through the heat of this August now, telling me its on its way, and today I made up a bowl of banana bread dough to bake this afternoon. I went up into my cupboard and pulled out my pans, la-la-la, and when I looked down at what I held in my hands it struck me like a bolt of lightning: This is Teflon!!


You can tell how often I honestly bake, like I said it's only for a few months out of the year (I just get this autumn itch!), and we only got Beaker last year. Did I use these pans last autumn while he was in our home? Or did I just make soups and things, leaving the muffin tins and stuff to get dusty up on the hidden shelves of our kitchen cabinets? I don't remember, but the pans are going in the trash now!!


It just scared me to death when I realized what could have happened with these things in the oven. I am so grateful that I can get rid of them now, and protect our boys from a horrible accident.


So just a reminder... please be careful when you bake or cook, be aware of what you're using. Your fids lives can depend on it.

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great reminder marcus, I recently threw all mine out and bought all glass. I bake all winter long and decorate cakes, and I know I used mine last year and the year before that. I am so lucky that I didn't hurt my babies. Some people don't realize that making sheets have the same stuff as pots and pans.

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Yes she meant baking sheets and lots of oven pans are nonstick. I use a lot of stainless steel and some glass and enamel pans.

In answer to Todd's question about the cast iron skillets in the oven, yes by all means you can use them in the oven, that is what makes them so versatile, once they are seasoned properly they work great.

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Stainless Steel is the way to go!


And be careful of those cooking utensils! They are often coated with teflon, and if you accidently leave one in a pan while you're cooking, it may have the same effect :(


We had all teflon, and when we got Sully we started using Stainless steel and glass, and just replaced a pan at a time. It can be expensive, but teflon really is harmful to people too, so I'm glad we did it :) Plus, Stainless steel cooks evenly :)

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