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Ok breeders/owners can you help me out?


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Since I am new to this whole thing I wanted to know if all this seems right to you. I have contacted a breeder "Wendy's Parrots" in TX and I am sending her money for a down payment to hold my bird Heart. I am than sending a little at a time (which I chose to do) until she is paid and ready to come home. She isn't quit weaned yet. She is 4 months old on the 10th. I put on the check the amount of the down payment and the remaining balance + shipping costs so I would have a receipt. It just makes me nervous cause it's not like I have this for pocket change ya know. So just wanted to know how breeders do this if this is normal. I talked to her on the phone today and she told me all about Heart and not to mention all the e-mails she has answered and pics she has sent. I guess I'm just being a nervous mother lol. But let me know what you all think. Thanks!!! Heart1-7b0a0a8fd02d6ccb58a7018e5183e2b0.JPG


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It is normal for breeders to require a down payment to hold the bird(s) for prospective owners. Most will then require payment in full when the bird is either picked up or just before shipment etc. If the breeder you are working with will let you pay in installments that sounds nice...I think what you describing sounds normal. It is a good sanity check though, as they are pricey! ;)

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Wendy from Wendy's Parrots actually posts alot in the Macaw Talk Forum....she has a wonderful reputation there. You can check it out at http://www.birdsnway.com/boards/mt/mt.cgi and ask questions about her if you want...alot of people there have purchased their macaws from her. I'm quite certain that they will all tell you how lucky you are to have purchased a new baby bird from her. Congratulations...that is a fine looking baby!

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Wow didn't know that Christina Thank you! I did just talk to Wendy yesterday and feel better about the whole thing. Guess just cause I'm a new mom (in the big bird world lol). Sometimes you just have to be careful. But Wendy seems to be a very very nice breeder and knows all her stuff lol! But thank you for the link I will go check it out!

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