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One year

Ray P

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One year ago to day I became a member of the Grey Forums.

Over the last 5 years I had joined a number of other parrot forums, but none of them grabbed me like the grey forum.

I joined because I had a congo african grey named Corky who we had for over 9 years at that time. You also had a other birds room like the other forums and that was great, but you had an amazon room and I had rehomed a blue front about a year and half earler, and something none of the other forums had, a game room where members could interact and have a good time.

There are a lot of great people here and I have had the chance to share their joy and form time to time I have felt their grief.

To the moderators and administrators of this forum you have done a great job in keeping this a great place to come to. I am looking foward to the next year and spending time with my many new friends and to share my life and your life with our fids.

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Gosh Ray I would have sworn you have been here longer than one year, you have been an active part of this forum and consistently too I might add as lots of new members come and post heavily at first then fade away. I know I look forward to your threads and posts as you have some mighty fine advice and you crack me up with your humor at times, you are a wonderful addition to this forum and we are so glad you joined us and love it here, we love having you as a valued member and friend.

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I have to give a +10 to Ray and his opening post. This place was a godsend. Other forums are good but this one fit. You guys have been there with me in the good and the bad. Some give some "tough love" advice and that's not a bad thing. Sometimes it's best not to sugar coat the truth. Others have given a shoulder to cry on, a hearty laugh to laugh with and sometimes just a smile to cheer me on. My first anniversary is still a couple of months away but I will celebrate along with Ray today. Cheers!

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