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Meeting a potential adoptee...HELP!


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Good Mornin FLockers!


I'm going to meet an adult Grey this weekend that is being re-homed. I'm told that she is "friendly w. no issues" and I'm certainly hoping that is the case. My questions are..


1) Are there any rules or tips for this"bind date?" Any "How to impress & win the affection of an African Grey" stickys here?!


2) If she is completely ambivalent to me, is this a good or bad sign?


3) If she growls & snaps at me is this an automatic "not the bird for you?"


4) Could she pretend to like me and then pull a Sybil on me when brought home? Pretty sure the answer to this is YES!


Any suggestions to how to properly introduce myself to a Grey on their turf would be grealy appreciated.


Thank you!

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Do you know how old she is and how long she has been with her current "parront"? Also, is her current home her first home? Why is the owner rehoming?


I would go into it and just be myself. I would let her take the lead and follow her signals. I am very excited for you and I'm looking forward to you getting back to us and let us know how the "date" went!

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What a wonderful opportunity to give an adult grey a new forever home and like Barbara said just be yourself, go in and meet this bird with no fear and accept what transpires and never push.

She may or may not "like" you at the beginning but don't take that as a rejection for if you take her home you can work at a good relationship which will take time and much patience on your part but will be certainly well worth it.

In regards to question 4 yes sometimes they can pull that "sucker punch" where they seem willing to want you to give them some scritches then turn that head around and nail you but she will test you to see what she can get away with or if you are scared of her.

Just relax and be yourself and be sure to let us know what happens and if this grey comes home with you.

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As far as fair warnings go we took on an adult Grey(Check out the Ziggy updates). If your like my husband and they take to you right away your good to go. If your like me you can still be trying but it's all worth it when you hear them laugh or make cute comments.

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Looks like it may not be meant to be.. :( The owner has kids & other parrots & said my home would be too lonely/quiet for her. Seems like a sincere & thoughtful concern but when I asked why she was selling the bird her response was.. "We really need the money & these are easier to sell than the Eclectus or Amazons." (other parrots in house) She also is selling to whoever gets there first and I couldnt get to her till tomorrow, someone is going to see the bird tonight.


Sidenote ~ owner told me a story that this Grey got out during a snowstorm last year, they only got her back becase she froze & fell out of the tree she was perched in. They "defrosted" her over several hours and she obviously made it! Pretty tough lil bird!

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I ignored this last post from CeeCeeNY for a while, but I can not any more! Who the hell would sell their feathered friend because of money difficulties!? I would rather sell the TV, stereo, books or whatever than a friend of mine! I don't know. This got me really upset. -and to give the bird to one who comes first is just too much!:-(( Poor bird:-( I hope the bird gets the greatest new forever home! :-)

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