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nail bleeding


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Hi, this isn't about a grey but I love you guys and hope you can offer some advice.


Last night I went to my boyfriends. My mother was keeping an eye on the animals for me.


I came home tonight and went to take Shelby, my tiel, out of his cage. I saw that his back nail was almost off at the quick, and was bleeding a little. I took him into the bathroom and grabbed the animal first aid kit. I went to put some stopping powder on his foot, he freaked out and flew into the door. I just let his flights grow in. I picked him up from the floor and held him.


He seemed fine until I switched hands and saw a pool of blood. He was so stunned that he let me put some cream on it.


The bleeding has stoped. His feathers by his foot are blood stained, I am covered in blood.


Should I call the vet tomorrow? Will he be okay? Is there something else I can do?


Thank you for all your help. He is currently sleeping on a perch outside his cage, holding up the foot with the injured toe.

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I'm so sorry to hear about Shelby! :( I hope he's doing a bit better by now... Especially if you don't get any pertinent advice from anyone else tonight (I'm sorry, I really don't have anything to offer but my sympathy for your/his situation!), I would call the vet tomorrow, yes. It sounds like the little guy lost a lot of blood... what comes to mind for me is, keep an eye on how he's eating and drinking, and make sure he doesn't open up the wound again, at least. Poor little guy! I hope it was just a freak accident of some sort and that Shelby's back to normal in no time.

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oh so sorry to hear baout this and I hope it heals up soon. Did the bleeding stop? Just take care he doesnt pick on his wound and cause more bleeding. Also I would say until you can get in contact with the vet, keep him warm as he lost blood. Also make sure he eats and drinks as much as possible. The vet will give you the most accurate information

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Thank you guys! He made it through the night okay, fluffed up in his cage. This morning he woke me up as per usual, imitating my alarm, and he seemed okay. I'm going to give the vet a call anyway, just to make sure.


I still can't figure out how this happened!

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Okay, so I called my avian vet. She said that what may have looked like a lot of blood to me probably wasn't (I guess a teaspoon of blood is a lot more than people think it is [a teaspoon of blood is ten percent of a male cockatiels blood]). and that I should make him some hard boiled egg and monitor his behavior and see if the foot swells or gets infected.


This was a total relief. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night worried about the little guy!


Thank you for the comforting advice, guys. You're amazing <3

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