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Paper-mache foraging toy!

Guest Netty

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Guest Netty

You need:



parrot safe rope/paper etc,

paper mache paste (flour and water)


Blow the balloon up to the size you want the ball to be.

Hang from something.

Prepare your paste.


Take strips of the rope/paper etc. dip them in the glue and paper mache the ball

leave a hole at the top of the balloon where thee nib is sticking up (and on the opposite side as well if you are completely coating in paper)

Allow to dry.


Take down once completely dry and pop the balloon.

Remove all balloon bits.

Look it over check for anywhere with holes you think are to big take more rope and paste and patch it up. (make sure you leave at least one good size hole to fit treats and such in!)


allow to dry


add treats.


cover over the hole you put the treats in.


I have also stuffed these with paper, wood bits, small toys etc. and can make them as big or small as you want!


An alternate way (for some of us lazy or fancy people) get a bunch of paper doilies and use them instead of sting/paper.


The paper mache balloon combo is easy to make just about anything with.


Just make sure you get the balloon bits out!



You can also add colour to this by adding a couple drops of NATURAL food colouring (beet juice, blueberries, raspberries etc) or an all natural organic food colouring.


Paper mache paste instructions:


Materials Needed:





To make this paper mache paste, simply mix together 1 part flour to 2 parts water. You will want it to be the consistency of thick glue, but you also want it to be runny and not thick like paste. Add more water or flour as necessary. Mix well to remove any lumps.

A few helpful tips I have read in regards to using this paste are:

If you live in an area with high humidity, add a few tablespoons of salt to help prevent mold.

If you don't like the smell of the glue mixture you can add a few sprinkles of cinnamon or cinnamon to sweeten it up!

You should be able to store this glue in a covered bowl or jar, in the refrigerator, for a few days.






If you are using a white cotton (anything rope fabric etc) for anything to add some colour you can soak in beet juice and allow to dry thoroughly! then rinse and dry again then use :) its a natural thing that stains the fibers adding colour without additives. :)

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Guest Netty

No problem :) I come from a DIY family LOL I make ALLOT of my own stuff.

Once i get to the dollar store and such I will be making a BUNCH of stuff and posting some tutorials on how to do it :)

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Guest Netty

Thats where most of my ideas come from, they are simple and easy when i babysit my little cousins they help me make animal toys/beds/blankets/etc we then donate them to rescues/spca's etc unless its dog stuff then my dog gets it LOL until i have a bird i figure i can perfect my techniques and give the toys away where they are needed. Any foraging/chew/similar toys can be used for birds or small animals (like rats) since it helps to keep them mentally stimulated. also make hammocks for ferrets/rats etc. and cat and dog beds... i madea bunch of catnip toy casings then we stuffed them etc. I've found thats another easy one for parrots ;)


Take a piece of cotton cut some holes in it fold it over to make a pocket stuff it with treats paper random chew blocks etc. can be made as big or small as you want and you can seal it shut or leave it open on one end.

just watch when they use the cotton pocket one that there is no loose thread that get stuck on feet.

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