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Is sunflower seed shells bad for the bird?


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I have a baby grey that loves to knibble on soaked pellets, cherios and millet. Today i put a little bid of seeds in his bowl and before I knew it he swallowed a sunflower seed, shell and all. Is that going to cause a problem?

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It may cause problems but those problems will show up immediacily. You should understand that a very young bird can accidently swallow something that's not chewed and when it goes down the digestive system can't break it down quickly. That's where the problem starts. Ever eat anything that wasn't chewed well enough and after it went down, you could feel it and be very uncomfortable?? Sometimes a bird will vomit it up. lay off the very hard food and only give things that can be chewed easily. Remember that you soaked the pellets so that won't those pellets won't cause a problem.

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Ok. Thanks. So, if he is fine today, which he seems to be doing great. That seed is probably not going to cause a problem? I hope not. He ate some more pellets and loves the cherrios. I havent given him anymore seeds. He eats banana and apples. He sometimes swallows some of the pellets as well without breaking them apart, but only the small ones.

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Ok. Thanks. So, if he is fine today, which he seems to be doing great. That seed is probably not going to cause a problem? I hope not. He ate some more pellets and loves the cherrios. I havent given him anymore seeds. He eats banana and apples. He sometimes swallows some of the pellets as well without breaking them apart, but only the small ones.


***So, if he is fine today, which he seems to be doing great. That seed is probably not going to cause a problem?***



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