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Some of my old flock.

Guest Netty

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Guest Netty

Hey guys, just thought i would post a picture of when i had my bird room up and in order (before life went boom a few years ago and i rehomed them all to my aunt!)


--- sorry about the blurr, my camera wasn't that good then!-


The "Room"(hallway)





The Budgies (big cage) (theo, Max, spitz-males- and Ferra, gucci and prada(invisble on swing LOL)-Females-)




The Lovebirds (Top to bottom left to right) Sally, Gib, Remmy, And Lucy:




The teils: Sally and Joe:




Budgies cage 2: Sendi, Mikko, and Veska:




The finches (Zeek, Ida, Meso and Viccy):






and one from today (as mean as it is this gosling is name for its purpose):


Christmas Dinner(the one we are keeping LOL there is like 8 of them we are raising to sell) I don't do any of the butchering that's up to my cousins hubby! I just cook them, and avoid the enclosure for them outside at all times so I don't get attached! (thats my sister in the picture):




Had to dig BUT this was my special love bird Baby, she was a special needs birdy :)



Edited by Netty
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Guest Netty
That was a good looking flock. Thanks for sharing.


thanks, i had all kinds of random empty cages in there as a "just in case" for emergencies (my transport cage and a "hospital cage" for anyone who needed some extra TLC) The love bird at the bottom of that post was my sweetie, she had brain damage and was pretty good at doing most things but she had a hard time climbing , walking flying etc(anything that involved allot of balance) so she had her special cage in my room beside my bed with everything easily accessible to her etc.


she got the injury from a previous owners dog >_< poor thing wasn't flighted and was perched on a chair the dog knocked the chair over the bird flew off and the dog landed on top of her >_<


she was brought into a clinic i was at with my mom and our hamster at the time and they couldn't afford to see what was wrong so I with the assistance of my moms debit card (lol) took her over from them got her fixed up and she lived with me until the day she died (she was 12-13 when she passed away, not bad for her injuries!) I had her for 10 years of her life! she was my sweetie.... she did some funny stuff to... here is one story from about a year after we got her...



"Going back a few years i had a few love birds, one was my baby (and such was named so) She had her favourite music ( The Anthem and Girls and Boys by good charlotte as well as standing outside the fire by garth brooks)


When you would ask her if she wanted to listen to music she would do one of two things: chatter out the tune to one of her favourites or go about her business.


One day my mom asked her and she started going on about garth brooks so my mom put standing outside the fire as the bird wanted to start the music.


well about half way throught the song the CD started skipping...


HOLY S**** storm!! feathers hit the fan she went nuts!


she attacked the speaker closest to her then proceeded back to her cage where she screamed until the music was off

then sounded like she was crying...


we were all laughing to hard to go and see if she was ok at that moment.

after we regained our composer (and i was able to not be bent over laughing) i checked her out and she was grumpy but uninjured.


. fids do the darndest things....


that was the day we learnt don't play games with the birds music "

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