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Hello, I'm new around these parts.

Guest Netty

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Guest Netty

A bit about me and some history/info!


I am 22 years old, a certified veterinary assistant by school and a part time nanny.


I LOVE African Greys. when i was in high school i would bird sit for my friends aunt who has 2 beautiful females, Shania and Celine - named after 2 of canada's beautiful vocalists since these 2 girls love singing so much! lol


I have some experience with avians from my past.

I have researched greys for several years now (want to make the right choice of bird for myself and my husband, he originally wanted a macaw.)

I have a general knowledge base of nutrition, health, and enrichment.

I do some woodworking and know how to make some pretty cool grey toys.


I am currently living just north of Toronto, Ontario. in a small town.


Can't wait to get to know some of you guys! :cool:

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Hi Netty and welcome to the forum. Love your goat picture. We had two goats, but lost them to some coyotes this spring.

There are a number of members that live up north in Canada so you will have lots of company.

Again welcome.

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Hello Netty and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and I hope you realize your dream of owning a grey real soon.

You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do not hesitate to read thru as many of them as possible and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Guest Netty

thanks :)

i have been reading almost all the posts you guys have on here :D currently unemployed and job hunting now.

Lost the nanny job due to bosses wife getting laid off -__-

JOB SEARCH time... i have my resume in at a few different places,

one is a wildlife rescue the other is a vets office.

sooo fingers crossed!


HOPEFULLY i can find a job soon as i wont get a bird until i get another (at min. part time) job as when i am working we take the animal stuff out of my pay and account (because i know what i am looking for the hubby is a HORRID shopper >_> we would be broke if i sent him in with a list LOL). i also want to get my emergency vet. fund built up more as with 2 animals that have expensive vets i am thinking it will be about double what it is right now. (only have the dog right now!)

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