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Wanted to say "Hi" everybody...

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I can't believe I never found this forum before. I've got an 8 1/2 year old CAG named ScoobyDoo who is a total "love monkey". He definitely has the temperament (as they say) of a two year old human, so I've got to stay on my toes when he is out playing. He loves to tease the other birds, especially the cockatiels when I'm in the kitchen fixing dinner. As soon as I catch him inside their cage chomping on their treats (he opens their cage door), and I give him "that look" and say, "Scooby, what are you doing?", he bobs his his head up and down and trots back over to his own cage. I can go back into the kitchen and 5 minutes later, he'll be back with the 'tiels! ;)


I just can't get mad at him tho' because he's such a sweetheart and just wants to be loved and give love. I want to upload a photo, but I can't figure out how to do it. Maybe somebody can help. Nice to meet y'all. :)

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Hello Jay and welcome to our family, so glad you did find us and we look forward to hearing lots more about you and ScoobyDoo.

Greys are quite the characters aren't they and they get into your heart and pursestrings very well and it sounds like Scooby is a real sweetheart.

Yes we would love to see some pictures of him and I have included a link to a thread that deals with how to post pictures so I hope it helps.


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Nice to meet you too! There are a couple of ways to put pictures in. One is if you have a photobucket account. You can put the pictures in there, make sure to resize if they are really big, and copy the IMG code for the picture. Paste that code into the reply box. The other way is to "Go Advanced" That is the button in the lower right corner. Now you should see a paper clip in the top row. That is for adding attachments. You can use that feature to upload pictures and post them in with your comment.

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Hi Jay and ScoobyDoo and welcome to the forum. From your post ScoobyDoo sounds just like my grey Corky. Nothing in the house is safe if your not watching her.

She does not bother our cockatiels and Corky and Cricket our blue fronted amazon have made a deal to get along.

And yes we love pictures

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Hello Jay! My name is Kathy and I am new to the forums as well. However, unlike you I just got my TAG a week ago so I am new to everything. His name is Yuki, hes 4 months old and already spoiled. He would rather hang out on top of Bella's (my Quaker) cage than his own and has even started to follow me around. If I leave a room and he can't see me, he makes a squawk until I say his name and let him know I am still around. He likes to bite, although he does seem to be doing it less and less as the days progress. Since you are an experienced Grey owner, is there any advice you wanna share?

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