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Fids at the sitter


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Hey friends, I just wanted to share what im up to and how Ive been feeling. I took Aristotle and Skittles to my cousin Lana's home for a couple days because I am taking my family on a birthday vacation.

They will have the company of "Picasso" her grey, and she is very informed on how to take care of her bird so Im grateful to have her help me and im not worried.


Heres the thing, I took them in travel cages and left the big cage home. I cleaned it out and took the chance to re-arrange the toys so when they come home everything will be nice and clean. I have caught myself empathizing with our friend Reggieroo and his sad reality for the moment, asking myself how I would feel if my fids had flown away.


Staring at the empty cage this morning while I had my coffee really set off my imagination and I felt desperate and alone without my birds. I know that they're safe at the sitter, but I feel for our friend. ~

I think we should all pass by his page and show some love, because I (we all) take for granted that our birds would always be there. Unfortunatly there is always that slim chance that something could go wrong and we'd be staring at an empty cage hoping and waiting.

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Yes it could happen to any of us that one of our fids would escape to the outside world but as long as we do everything we can to make sure they are safe in our homes then it does no good to worry about what might happen for worrying over something that hasn't happened yet can make you paranoid or sick. Enjoy your fids and if you have done all you can to protect them then don't worry over what may never happen, we would all be nervous wrecks if we lived our life in the fear of what ifs.

I do sympathize with Paul and his lost Murphy and if it is meant to be that he be found then it will be and I keep checking back every day in the hopes I see the post of his happy return.

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I agree, but due to recent events with Paul and Murphy, I too am one of those who are a bit more paranoid about my Grey flying away. But for the better side, I cuddle him a lot, speak to him more..or at least it seams like it is more because we are getting along better this past few days:-) Yesterday Zak flew on the inside window (I have double windows-old building) and it scared the s... out of me. I know I closed the first window so he cant possibly fly anywhere but still.. I didn't expect him to dare flying on the frame of the window. Not yet,anyway.. The whole apartment is still rather new to him.. It just made me a bit more aware that they could surprise us at any given moment. I do feel so much for Murphy and Paul and can't wait for the storry to have an happy ending. I know I would be completely devastated if Zak would fly away.. Anyway... Good morning to all members and their fids, I hope you'll have a great day today! :-)


PS: If you are up for it, please, please do correct my sentences. If I got it somewhat wrong please correct me so I could learn. These is request for all my future posts too. Tnx ;-)

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I don't worry so much about our boys flying away at this point, but I am very paranoid about doing something within the home that might inadvertently hurt them. Like, our Tybalt has finally started using the Jolly Ball (yay!) that's been hanging pathetically in our birdroom, untouched, for months now--so yesterday I thought to dust it, and when it was wet it started smelling funny! So I had all these thoughts of accidentally killing my boys with noxious fumes... it's a constant thing for me (having an obsessive disorder doesn't help!)... so I can understand the overwhelming feelings that would go along with seeing those empty cages, even though you really know they're just having a blast with Picasso. Things can happen so quickly, that's why they're called "accidents", but while we do have our precious feathered ones with us--because, sadly, even the best and safest parrot/owner relationship will end after a few decades--we love them and teach them as much as we can, and they know it, and that's why they love us so much in return. And so, really, can't we say they're being fulfilled by that? That's the best thing a parrot in captivity can hope for, probably, to have an owner who attends to its needs and desires as best they can, and develop a wonderful bond in the process.

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Thanks for the kind replys, the fids are doing great with their cousin, and we are in beautiful Orlando Florida enjoying my daughter's birthday! ( I miss my birds a bit, but Ill see them soon enough ) tommorrow we go to Sea World...

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Have a great time Cupid. She and you will only be this age once...enjoy.



Thanks a lot Todd, your words mean more to me than you know... Im very proud to be her father, and am blessed my wife and I were able to weather through that storm.

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Thanks for sharing your heart. You're right, this is a safe place with a lot of caring people (and not just for our fids, smile!). As the mother of two miracle babies, I was thrilled to read your story and rejoice in Ruby's third birthday, too! Have a great time on your vacation, and we know you'll have a great reunion with Skittles and Aristotle when you return!

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I applaud for your daughter. My son was told similar things at birth, he has an a/v septal deformality with mitro valve displacement along with quite a few other things that come with Down Syndrome. The doctors wouldn't allow us to go on the transplant list as he is considered a medically non-applicable member of society. They will surprise us all the will to live boggles the mind and strengthens our own hearts to them.

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I have two healthy children so I know nothing of what you have been thru but we all think we have had it bad but when you think about it there is always someone who has had it worse than we did and it makes me so happy that you are able to take Ruby to Sea World, she truly is a miracle baby who has a strong will to fight, you two are truly blessed to have one another, give her a hug and kiss from me as one of the members of greyforums, hope she has a wonderful time in Florida and many many more happy times to come.

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Awww thanks friends. I appreciate all of you and am so glad to be a part of our flock for real. We had a great time, and Im glad to be home with my feathered babies. They were so happy to see me, it was heart-warming.

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