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my amazon , calypso wont eat his formula


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Hi , just wondering , why is it Wen I feed her the food she will take some , n then she won't take no more .... I only get about 20cc n then she stops ..she won't take no more ...she is about 7 weeks ..I don't know if its cause we just got here about two weeks ago ..

She is always stuck with rogue my African grey :) ... But I don't know Wat else to do

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We been tryin to feed her almost every hr cause she just would take a lil an that's about it ...am scared that she will start to be under weight..n I really don't want to force her to take it ...

The only time I could feed her is in the moring.because I.go to work in the a.m

An then my wife will feed her at

12 Wen she gets home from school , an then Wen I get home in the after noon I.spend.the whole day with both my birds ...

Rogue ,(my grey ) eats every an.any thing I give him lol .. all his fruits an vegys...

But Wen its feeding time for her , she just won't take it

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I am by no means an expert, but when I bought my amazon, she was 6 months old, and the breeder said she was just recently weaned. Amazons take longer than greys to wean. Your bird is much too young, and needs expert care asap....please get him back to the breeder to hand feed, or the vet as an emergency visit.

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oka , so i took her to the vet along with rogue to get check out..rogue is all good and strong : }....i made her check out calypso, she said that she is probably going through the stage of weaning her self early . she told me to try different types of vegys and food. just dont give up . she says that she is not sick , she is just going to be really picky on wat she eats. so i was happy wen she says that she was fine ..but i will just have to keep a eye on her .

she flew from her cage all the way across the house and landed on the couch ..am surprise cause rogue don't even attempt to fly lol ..i told the vet she says that she will be fine as long as her weight dont drop to much ...she said it will probly go on for a month , but after that it should get better ..

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