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parrot on your shoulder?

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Hi all I am new to the african grey family! Ziggy joined our family on thursday! after settling down in her new cage and home. I decided to let her out on friday afternoon! All Ziggy wants to do is sit on my shoulder! If I take her off she just fly back on! When I place her on the play gym! So that we can practice step up! No she takes off onto the shoulder! Please any advise to a new DAD would be great! Is sitting on your shoulder a bad thing??

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Hi coach white and Ziggy and welcome to the grey forum family.

To answer your question about shoulder sitting being bad. IMO no it`s not bad, but there has to be rules.

First how old is Ziggy and is she/ he a rehome or are you his /her first home.

Step up is the most important thing you can teach your grey IMO.

When she lands on your shoulder will she step up onto your hand ?

Does Ziggy bite, If he /she does than no shoulder sitting, you will have to block your shoulder with your hand so he/she can`t land there.

Tell us more about Ziggy and we love pictures.


I have a congo grey, a BF amazon and two cockatiels and to them my shoulder is the best place in the world. But they do know the rules and will step up when it`s time to come down.

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Hi Ray P

Thank you for your reply! As soon as I learn to upload photo of Ziggy I will.

My guess she is about 5-6 months old there are no rings around her eyes. They are all one colour slightly grey but also black. I am Ziggy first owner I have only had her for about 48 hrs.

She does not bite at all while on my shoulder or does she when I take her off!

The good thing about Ziggy is she is not afraid of me I say this because when she fly off and lands on tables ect! She always looks to fly back to my shoulder. When we practice step up! She put one foot up then flaps her wings once or twice and onto my shoulder she goes!



I also know she was only just fully weaned! She makes a lot of baby sounds not parrot like? When I come near her cages she gets excited. Ziggy eats a lot wow I tho

ught only human kids eat that much! Glad she is eating well!


How long should she stay on my shoulder for?

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It sounds like you and Ziggy are off to a good start when it comes to building a trust and building a bond.

Take time to talk to her and share a treat and keep working on the step up. Don`t try to do too much at a time and try to make it fun for the both of you.

When she steps up tell Ziggy what a good bird she is and make over her with love and affection.

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Welcome to our family! Yes, the shoulder is the preferred place for my 3 parrots. They like the closeness and I feel they are comforted and secure when there. It makes them feel special. I teach my parrots to " step down" when they are on my shoulder. I save "step up" when I want them to come to me. Give lots of praise andexcitement in your voice when they do what you want, it will reinforce it much quicker.

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Hi Coach White, welcome to the Grey family! As to shoulder sitting, its all up to you. Do you enjoy your parrot in your shoulder?? If so, it's great. If not, then you should curb Ziggy's desire to go there. It's all up to you. As long as my parrots don't nibble my ears, I have no problems with shoulder sitting. That's one of the very nice things about having a flighted companion, if you don't want them on your shoulder a quick flick of the shoulder and off they go! I look forward to hearing about your new friend!!!

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Hi All thank you som much all the reply! Its really awesome to know there are people that care! I will post picture as soon as I can. My desktop Pc is down so using my black berry! Today is our 4th day together! Ziggy still loves my shoulder. Can my fellow parrot friends advise me! I have noticed Ziggy eats a lot is this normal?? Her food is mixed seed and fruit as well as vegetables like carrots. Also how can I get her off my shoulder safe? She just fly off and lands on any thing close. Then when I approach she gets excited and fly back onto my shoulder! What techniques can I use?


Thanks guys

Pictures will follow soon

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Welcome to our forum!


Right now Ziggy is very young and in a new home with surroundings and items not familiar to her and has only been there a couple of days. You are her security blanket and thank god she has obviously found you as such. Thus, on your shoulder equals safe and off your shoulder equals in danger and scary. Greys are very high anxiety parrots that are most times fearful of anything new. Just be very patient and slow in introducing news things to her. The playstand as you mentioned seems to be where you try to place her and get her to stay. She is a litle afraid of it and immediately flys to the safety of your shoulder. That would be expected. The only place I can think of right now that she may practice step-up with you would be from with in her cage on a perch. You could also just sit and after a while she will start exploring by climbing down off your shoulder. As she explores, have some litle foot toy that she likes to play with and try offering a step-up a few minutes into it, praise her if she does and she place her back down where she was exploring. Anytime you are going to work with a bird on some new behavior you wish them to learn, they must be in a spot they feel very comfortable in with no distractions. Use a favorite treat like a peanut or almond etc. as a lure to get them to perform that behavior. They have very short attention spans so only make the sessions a minute or two then do something else with them they enjoy, which in your case is letting her back on your shoulder probably. The most important thing you are building right now is trust and a bond with her. Your doing great for a new grey owner and only a few days doing so. Just remember all things must be done very slowly and patiently until you have the complete trust of Ziggy and also she is comfortable in her new surroundings.

Edited by danmcq
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Congrats on your new fid! I think shoulder sitting is fine as long as you have clear rules. If Ziggy does not go on and off your shoulder at your command only, I would not let him there until you establish those boundaries. Also, from experience, give your birds something to do if you let them perch there, or else your glasses, earrings, EARS, become very entertaining to your parrot! I give my BB foot toys, or a pistachio, while he's on my shoulder to keep him occupied. Also, be careful about having your Grey on your shoulder while unfamiliar people are at your home, it's never happened to me, but I've read that in an effort to warn you of intruders, the bird will bite you!

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