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I thought I'd share some mugshots of a tiny 5 week old friend of mine


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Hello Jim, its nice to have you back posting on the forum again, you have been missed. You have an adorable baby grey there in those pictures, are we to assume this is a new addition to your flock, if so I hope so and look forward to seeing and hearing a lot more of this little cutie.

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He/she COULD be mine if I so desire. Which of course, I do; I want them all. :) For now, I'm just getting my little friend used to being handled (all over) and socialized with people. I'm working toward flight (unclipped), bathing and harness training once he/she's old enough. If I don't keep this one for myself, at least he/she might be well adjusted. :) I just don't take permanent additions to my flock lightly. This would be my first Timneh. We'll see.....


When I was young, my parents had a Timneh named Amos that was a wild caught import. They got him a long time ago and didn't know any better.

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My parents left Amos in the care of some friends when they went on a vacation and his caretakers underestimated the abilities of a grey to escape his cage. Amos set himself free and it wasn't a happy time for any of us. That was over 24 years ago. I can only hope he was rescued.


I feel I need to add a disclaimer concerning a baby this young. The room these photos were taken in is a specially designed room for newly hatched chicks. Even the climate is highly controlled. Something as simple as feeding a bird this young, if not done exactly right, can kill them. I'm under the supervision of a friend who has experience breeding thousands of birds of all species. Your best bet is to bring home your baby once they're eating solid food, which varies but is somewhere around 16 weeks. If you want to interact with them at a younger age, find a breeder who will let you visit with your new baby until it's time to come home. Ranaz: My comments aren't necessarily aimed at you, for all I know you're already fully aware of the issues. I just felt it needed to be said. I don't want to give people the wrong idea or set a bad example.

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Sorry to hear about Amos. It is a great responsibility to take care of baby parrot. I have experience breeding canaries few years back. I always loved the babies but cannot underestimate the responsibility of taking care of them and making sure all is clean, disinfected and fresh. Enjoy your baby and thanks for sharing the pix

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