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Ridge on beak


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Hi - please see attached pictures. Spencer developed this ridge in his beak and I'm not sure why.. The beak dips a little down at the ridge towards the tip. Does anyone have any ideas here? It's been like this for maybe 2 months, but honestly I don't remember it being a gradual thing - I remember one day thinking, 'How did that happen?'


For some reason it didn't look like something to be concerned about, but now I am worried. If the size of the ridge has increased, it must be subtle enough to not notice. It doesn't visibly look more pronounced now than when I first noticed it.


Thoughts appreciated - thanks in advance!




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Looking at pics, it actually might be closer to 3-4 months now since this ridge appeared. Wow, I didn't know it's been that long, I feel a little ashamed for not asking about this sooner :( It just didn't seem like something serious because the rest of him and his behavior is unchanged. But please let me know your thoughts... thank you!

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When I first got my grey he had this too. When I took him in to get his nails done they would file small amounts away. Then after doing more research and asking around, I bought a sandy perch and he groomed up his own beak to where it was smooth again. Recently he has started to get it again, but I think I need to get a new sandy perch.

Here is a link to where we talked about this before. I hope this helps. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190473-Pepper-s-beak-peeling-and-not-looking-good&p=203269#post203269

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Greys have that type of beak which only means that the beak above that left to right line which to you looks like a crack is simply the beak above that crack starting to die out so that a new layer of beak can come in. There is no ridge. That's just a trick of the eye.

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Its just a normal thing, my grey has it too. The sandy perch helps a little and when the vet grooms him he smoothes it out. Nothing to be concerned about... but keep an eye on his beak to make sure there is nothing unusual.

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