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Ziggy Update


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I put a quick update this morning on our earlier thread in the training room. Ziggy and I had an uneventful day. We talked a little bit and I cleaned while my son was at school and hubby was at work. The girls were all gone with friends today so I got brave and opened Ziggy's cage. She got out and made noises at me kept looking to my husbands chair and made more noises. I worried about trying to get her back in when the time came but that was worry not needed as she stayed on top of her cage watching me clean and laughing at the animals along with laughing at me. From time to time I would go over and give her an almond and talk to her but I didn't get brave and try to get her to step up on me (I'm still a little leery after the whole eyebrow thing) but we seemed companionable enough as-is for today. I found out she will wail like an infant, I was doing something in the kitchen she was still in my line of sight but I had turned away for a second and out of nowhere I hear a baby squalling. Scared the life out of me for a second as all my kids are pre-teen and teenage, I turn wide-eyed and Ziggy starts laughing and continued laughing at me for a good long while making the baby crying noises and laughing she was very amused with herself. She's resting for now as my husband has class tonight he will get home around 8 and they will play then I think I pushed my boundaries earlier so I won't push anymore today. Never got around to the other pictures but will work on it and get them up soon.attachment.php?attachmentid=20581

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Oh, Ziggy is gorgeous!! I'm very glad to hear you two had an uneventful but companionable day together--it's a few steps in the right direction, definitely. :) Please keep us all updated as things move along for you and your family with her...

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Great photo of your family and I love Ziggy's photo too. Im glad you too are getting along fine. With time she willlearn to trust you and you will trust her as well. Looks like a start of a great relationship. Aint it funny the once she knew she got you, she was laughing... those greys are so smart :D

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She defiantly had me. Thank you everyone for the compliments on the photos. I will throw more up quite often as I am practicing with everyone at home, I want to add photography to my business. They all are sick of my camera but they put up with me. Fairly quiet day today but I have been running here and there so been in and out all day today. Will update more later

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I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I found somethings that she will eat ! She loves Brussel Sprouts and Pierogies I couldn't believe it. She actually begged for them while we were eating and oh boy did she go to town on them. She didn't much care for me asking how she liked the food but hey it's a start. She kept making the craziest sounds while eating I am going to assume they were of joy as she wouldn't stop eating while making the noise. The best part is I put spinach in my pierogies so she got 2 green leafy veggies tonight along with the potato. That's my biggest news for today everything else was pretty quiet. Hope everyone else has a great evening.

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That's the living room space. She has a bigger cage all to herself in my husbands office/computer room. The smaller cage is used for when we go to the vet and while she is in the living room or having dinner with us in the dining room as her actual cage is one of those corner aviarys. I can't move the other as it's one of those that takes up a whole corner of a room and if she is in the living room or dining room and gets too stressed she has a space she can go into that the rest of the family knows it's her space and leave her alone or put her in it to take her back to the bigger cage since my husband is the only one who can actually handle her physically. I use it during the day to bring her with me if I do something outside or when it's one of my husbands longer days at work so she is not stuck in the computer room all by herself all day. When she is not so aggressive towards everyone else in the house I would love to just set up some perches in the living room and dining room and maybe one in the bathroom that she can come and go as she pleases but while she is still biting everyone but my husband she is allowed to be around everyone only when the cage is readily available.

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I was very lucky to get it a woman bought it for a macaw she was buying the deal went through and she sold it to me for half the price I jumped on it since it had only been set up and never actually used.

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Unfortunately I can't let her run free. I want to she makes this whine almost a crying sigh sound in the morning when my husband leaves and I feel it's because she doesn't want to be alone in the computer room. With her attacking everyone else though it's hard, if it were just me I would let her run loose and keep an eye on her with the other animals but with the kids it is different she has caught two of my daughters the oldest and one of the youngest ones and fortunately they were very shallow but for the younger ones it is traumatic. For the sake and safety of both Zig and kids we have to do this till Zig behaves and stops just attacking whenever anyone is in the room.

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Made some headway today, got Zig to step out onto her cage door and take some almonds from me while she was eating she let me stroke her beak. Tried to scratch the top of her head and got beaked for it but all in all I figure I made some decent progress. She didn't attack the cage door when I opened it and even stepped out with me sitting there. Once I got beaked I calmly asked her to go back in her cage and firmly told her "no we don't bite" she was not happy about going back in the cage but didn't attack the door as I closed it. On another note she has learned to opened the travel cage door. She finds it very amusing but also very annoying as I have had to resort to hooking a toy to the door when she uses it especially while we take our times playing outside. I am able to leave her out a little more often now she has gotten better about leaving everyone alone as long as my husband is not right there when he is home she gets very possessive if she is loose and someone else is near him. Is that normal? Will she always be that possessive of him or react differently and be more hostile just because he is around?

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So cleaned out both cages today while I was working on the bigger cage I thought why not let Zig stay loose in the computer room with me (not very smart on my part). She did NOT appreciate me being anywhere inside her cage. The cage is so big that I had to half crawl into it to clean out the bottom and pull the perches out for cleaning. She took a severe offence to me being in there she hopped onto my back and clawed scratched squawked and nipped at me until I got the heck out of her cage. She stood at the doorway of her cage at that point alternating between growling and laughing and of course trying to bite me whenever I came near. Had to call my husband in to collect her in which she of course stepped right up on his arm and proceeded to make the "kisses" noises and snuggle him. Of course this annoys me to no end in which I explain to him the dilemma of cleaning the big cage and while still holding her reaches himself into the cage and pulled the last of the perches. Needless to say I blew my stack at that point, Ziggy and her giggles and "kisses" noises not being much help either of course and told him to clean the d$%^&d cages himself. As any good mimic of course Ziggy picks that moment and that word to copy me from. Probably because I raised my voice a little bit at that point and also moved my hands more than usual. I am telling myself she has obviously heard the word before often at her previous home (even if it is just to make myself feel better) and it wasn't just something she picked up from me. She has been giving me the evil eye all day and wouldn't even take an almond from me either so I guess she is going to hold a grudge for my slight of being in her cage. Will have to see how she is tomorrow.:(:(:(:(:(

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I keep coming back to this post and every time it amuses me, I love the updates Sammy and this one was really fun to read. Im sorry if that annoys you, believe me I dont mean to, but I really like your Ziggy updates.... Its so funny how she is so completely tame with your hubby and she attacks you with cold blood. And the way she caught the word...lol thats how greys do it, you keep repeating a world one thousand times for them to learn it and then once, only once you say a bad word in anger and they take on to it...lol so typical

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I really feel for you Samy but, I did have to laugh at the "bad" word(s) you used as I know Ziggy probably is just mimicing you. I stubbed my toe and let out a F--k -t and a lot of ouchies with gusto and Ana Grey used the wording for a while, minus the laughs. Thank goodness that has stopped and no one else heard her! Hang in there, you are a good parront and Ziggy will come to see that.... hopefully.

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So this morning I tried something new. Got Zig in her travel cage and was going to go and let the dogs out and decided to set the camera up near her cage (just for giggles). I had always heard they do more when no one is around and I hear more out of her when she does her 6am wake up call, which of course wakes no one else but be (must be a mom thing) then any other time during the day. So I set it up and went out with the dogs she can see me from the window behind her and I found out she moves around and around the cage talking and has been singing full lyrics to something I can't make out the lyrics but it's a full sentence. I was laughing while watching it I am going to have to set up the laptop next so I can post it sometime. I noticed first thing in the morning is when she is most active with the vocabulary. She took an almond from me this morning but still is puffing out at me so I guess all is not forgiven yet for yesterday.

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