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Just bought a new baby!

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Hi Everyone,

I am new to this forum and I am super excited!!! I just bought a baby grey a few weeks ago and she is gorgeous. I wont be able to take her home for awhile but I try and go everyday or every other day to see her. I have to admit, I was a tad nervous because I had been bitten so bad in the past by a male Amazon(one that I took care of) but that was years ago and I have done so much research and read several books so I am going into this journey with an open mind and heart. I look forward to getting lots of good advice here ....I can't wait to read some of these posts!

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Lol ..it does , it seems for ever .. but I been playing with my grey from since a babi , n now he's with me ... I was suppose to get him Wen he was wean ..but I ended up with him early.do to my grand ma...but he's a blast ....n u will have so.much fun.with ur cag. :)

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