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Bird Virgin

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Hello Fellow Flockers!


Long time bird admirer, finally deciding to make it a reality! Been doing A LOT of research and have decided on either a CAG or a DYH Amazon.


Still have many questions to which I get conflicting answers..


1) Does the sex of the bird matter in relation to the sex of its primary caretaker?


2) Rescue or buy a baby?


3) If buying a baby, private breeder or pet store (having a very hard time finding breeders in my area)


Looking forward to soaking up as much info here as possible, thanks!

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Hi & welcome. Very glad you've decided to do your homework before you start sharing your life w/these amazing birds. I wish the answers were cut & dry, but the following are OMHO


1) Does the sex of the bird matter in relation to the sex of its primary caretaker?


Not unless the parrot in question has an established preference. Rehomed fids may have bonded to one family member &/or had a particular dislike for one family member & have a gender bias in the future. This can change over time.


2) Rescue or buy a baby?


I would encourage everyone to rescue their fids. There are so many out there who need it. But rescues come with all degrees of baggage. It is really very important to match the personalities involved for a successful adoption. That means both the fid & the parront(s). Prior experience with parrots is helpful, but not actually a must.


Being realistic about what you are signing up for is a must!


3) If buying a baby, private breeder or pet store (having a very hard time finding breeders in my area)


I've rescued mine, so I really don't think I can help you here.



Good luck with your investigation. There's tons of material on these forums & bunches of people to answer your questions. So don't hesitate to ask.

Edited by birdhouse
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Hello CeeCee and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you are going to commit to either a grey or an amazon, both are amazing creatures.

Its a myth that only females bond with males and vice versa, I have a female that is bonded to me, it just depends on the individual bird and the personality and you will hear conflicting stories because each bird is an individual in itself.

If you think you can handle an adult bird and whatever baggage it brings with it then by all means look into rescues and rehomed birds, many of them make excellent companions but many times they have come from questionable circumstances and if you have the time and patience to work with a difficult bird then it can be one of the most enjoyable things you will ever attempt.

If you decide to go with a baby then look for reputable breeders rather than pet stores for you never know what they may have been exposed to and what kind of treatment they may have received, usually breeders are more concerned about their babies and socialize them into family oriented situations. If you want to look for breeders by state you can go to this site: www.avianbiotech.com

Please read thru as many of the threads here for lots of ideas and suggestions from firsthand experience with greys, it will give you an insight into what you will be getting into and be sure to check out the amazon room.

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Hi CeeCeeNy, welcome to the Grey family. As to your questions, I have a female grey and she loves me all to pieces and yes, I am a female. As for a rescue or baby, it all depends on what you know ab out parrots. Personally, if you are unfamiliar with greys, I would go with a young grey what hasn't all that baggage Judy was talking about, because its true they do remember what has happened to them and carry it forward. I have a re-homed amazon who still will not let me touch him. I also believe purchasing from a breeder is the best, if you can find one in your area. They usually so love their babies! I commend you for researching about greys before purchasing one, they are intelligent and loving creatures and so worth the effort!

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Hi. I have a rehomed DYH Amazon, and a baby CAG from a breeder. My Amazon is 14 years old has been with me for 8 months, and is a truly wonderful bird. I adore her, and she seems to like me a lot too. My baby Grey is a sweetie, and very attached to me. He's 6 months old.


Personally, if I get any more birds, they'll be rescues. There are just so many birds out there who are unloved and unappreciated, and who need good homes. A good place to look for second-hand birds is kijiji and craigslist and whatever other local online buy-and-sell boards are in your vicinity. It's also a good place to find breeders, if that's what you decide.

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I'm a "bird vigin" too. For that reason I am going to get a baby rather than a rescue because I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with potential baggage. I also had a hard time finding a breeder in my area, so I called an avian vet in my town and asked if he had a recommendation. He gave me the name of a breeder (who also happens to be a vet). There are eggs about to hatch, and I will get my deposit in once they hatch. You might consider a similar course of action. It really helped me out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We had our baby sent to us from Georgia. From when he was dropped off til when we were able to pick him up, it took about 4 hours. There were not many breeders in our area either. I would say if this is your first bird, buying a baby is best. Like the others said, adopted birds have baggage, either good or bad, and it can be difficult for first-time bird owners to deal with the baggage. We have adopted birds in the past, and it's hard to get the bird to trust you after it's been abused, or neglected. HOWEVER, when you find the perfect bird for you, (and trust me, you'll know) you may be surprised with the outcome :) A friend of mine went to a rescue looking to adopt a young Grey, and ended up falling head over heels for a 21 year old Rose Breasted Cockatoo :)

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Guest Netty

Pet stores = Mills

Mills = HORRIBLE coniditions for the animals (video of a pet mill, WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT! : *CLICK CLICK*)


I myself refuse to buy anything from a pet store that sells animals just because it still supports the stores that support that industry.

A reputable breeder is your best way to go if you choose to get a baby.


Rescue is a good choice in a sense as the birds do need a new forever home where they will be treated properly, but as others have said, rescue birds can easily have allot of baggage and it can be hard to deal with for a first time owner.

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