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My new baby, Quinn

Casey Luria

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Quinn joined our family today. His hatch date was 3/18/2011. He has been remarkably calm cool and collected after three hours in the car and a short period at the Happy Parrot who handled this. I got him home and gave him about an hour in the cage with food and water before coming in to check on him. I ate dinner in a chair next to his cage and opened the door to the cage. Quinn came right out and started preening himself. He is willing to step up and down. He did not eat much but no other signs of serious nerves. He even fell asleep for a little while while sitting there.

I think he likes me, He chose to step up and stay on my arm and wasn't doing that for the shop owner.

I think we are going to be good together.



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Thanks to all for the good wishes.

I am thrilled to finally have a Grey to guide me through life. I lost my last two to my husband who ended up with them, when we separated. They liked him and not me they were older and set in their ways. They made a bad choice, they went with my ex, what can I say?

I have really been missing them so Quinn will be filling a big gap. I can't wait to be able to work with him. I have a gazillion toys that are too complicated for Scooter, he just wants things that have to do with food. I know it will be a while but he is adjusting rapidly, maybe not too long.



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