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New Grey baby arriving today

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I know it is a bit early but I plan ahead. Scooter has been living with me for 7 years and I suspect he will be a little jealous when he realizes competition has arrived. The baby should get here this afternoon and will not occupy the same room until the vet says it is ok. In any case, I wondered if there is any good way to get two birds to accept each other and how much time would you say it should take.

Normally Scooter is a pacifist but I tried getting him a little companion bird, a Cockatiel and he was pretty aggressive with her, so I did not keep her. With this bird it has to work.

Anyone out there had to do this with an Amazon and a Grey?



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I have this problem, just a little different. Ana Grey is almost 3 years old and I have had she since she was 4 months old. She is my sweetheart and we are very close. Louie my BF zon is a re-home that I have had for 10 months now. He is three years old. He and Ana Grey still do not see eye-to-eye. Ana Grey is very jealous and dive bombs Louie whenever they are in my office together. Louie use to just ignore her but now he has begun to retaliate when they are in my office. Funny thing is, that when they are in the bird room they do not fight. I watch them very closely and never leave them alone. Ana Grey is a TAG and only weighs in at 303 grams and Louie is much larger. I don't know if they would really hurt each other, and I don't want to find out!

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We have a CAG Corky who has been with us all her life and she is 10 1/2 years old now.

We rehomed a Blue front zon 2 1/2 years ago and she is now about 15 years old.

They do very well together and will eat off the same plate, But when they are out they are always under supervision. We have not had any trouble, but why take a chance.

They seam to get along very well and when they are out together they do there own thing.


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We have a grey who is 4 years old, and we just rehomed a 9-10 yo Panama Amazon. Brutus, the grey, now says, "I love you Pancho." They have not interacted, nor have they shown aggression towards each other. It seems like they ignore each other. I have no idea if Brutus really does "love" Pancho, even if he says it, but he seems to know the meaning of the things he says, and he put that sentence together himself, so maybe there is something. Brutus is flighted and has never tried to land on Pancho's cage or invade his space. The other day something spooked them and Brutus flew off, Pancho has enough flight feathers that he took off too, just like a flock. I am encouraged by this. It means they are reacting like an integrated flock.

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