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Sigh. Okay, my hubby told me earlier not to be paranoid about this, but this is what happened: When I had Marcus out today, at one point he flew from the birdroom into the bathroom and landed in the tub. I asked him if he wanted a shower and then turned the spray on lightly, a cool but not cold temperature. When Marcus started grabbing at the shower curtain I turned the water off, and he stepped up onto my arm. I put him back in the birdroom up on the Boing, his new favorite toy. He looked very good and smelled lovely, and he was in a chipper mood, but it ran through my head about the shower curtain and so I walked back into the bathroom.


It has been discolored around the bottom edge for a while, we need to get a new one and just haven't managed to get around to it, but I do bleach it and run it through the machine sometimes. Yet when I felt around the bottom edge where he had been grabbing at it with his beak, it felt a bit slimy. :( So I got to thinking, is mildew (because I assume that's what was slimy-feeling) something absolutely wretched for Greys, and parrots in general, like black mold? What if Marcus licked some of it? So I put some ACV in his water after I mentioned it to my husband, who said I was just overreacting and that he's fine. Does anybody know anything about this? I did a search here in the Health room for 'mildew' just now and nothing really came up... Thanks in advance for any input.

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The forum search engine seems to be having issues. I posted this weekend, but don't know what's going on.


I don't have any firsthand info about this. I think it might be a good idea to call your vet & ask. The sooner the better if it does turn out to be a problem. And if it's not, the sooner you'll have some piece of mind.


I'd be very interested to hear what they say. If you don't mind posting it. TU

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Birdhouse, I just got of the phone with the vet's office, and they were very nice and said I am, in fact, being a little "paranoid" :) but that's okay--they like paranoid pet owners, haha. She asked if he was acting normally and I said just fine, he's having a blast up on the Boing right now (I moved it in here to the den so Marcus could be with me while I clean this morning), and I told her about the ACV in the water too... So, apparently, thankfully, there's nothing to worry about. Whew! And of course I ran the silly shower curtain and the plastic lining through the wash again this morning, just so there isn't a repeat scenario before I can actually remember to buy a new one at the store!!

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... they were very nice and said I am, in fact, being a little "paranoid" :) but that's okay--they like paranoid pet owners, haha.


... well then, I've got to admit to being the same kind of paranoid. It didn't really sound like a great thing for him to have is mouth on.


Thanks for posting the answer. Glad they're not worried about it.

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Yeah, I know... like I said, my hubby thought I was overreacting, but considering the whole issue with mold, I couldn't help but worry over him mouthing the slimy shower curtain. :( But she just asked if he was acting like he normally does, and he has been (today, too, he's been a wild one on the Boing, and rather chatty), so I guess it's not the big deal I thought it would be. Good thing!!

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