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Marcus Having Fun on the Boing


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Okay, I've never posted a video here in the forums before, so I hope this works all right... but I just have to share our Marcus with all of you, I just keep thinking of this incident that I recorded earlier today and it keeps making me smile. :) (Even with me still awake at one in the morning!)


For the first time ever, yesterday Marcus stepped up onto the Boing that is hanging in the boys' room. Today I was able to put him up there again, and he seemed very happy about it. Then, I don't know what possessed me to do this, but I started spinning the Boing with Marcus on it--he was acting like it was some fantastic amusement park ride! He kept giggling, and going "Whooo!" and he just was such a darling, so I grabbed the camera and recorded some of the fun. I hope you guys enjoy watching it, too, and hopefully it won't make you dizzy at all! :P


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Thanks for sharing! :)


Cosmo loves spinning his boing. He holds onto the top of it and 'flies' to wind it up then climbs down the middle of it while it spins back. Its on a 2.5' piece of chain so he can really wind it up! One of the first things he does when I let him out of the cage. :D

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(I liked your husband's laughter in the background too.)


Hee-hee, actually, that was Marcus!! :) He's picked up my giggle and uses it sometimes but when he really is enjoying himself, he generally goes back to the deep male laugh that he learned in one of his former homes.

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I loved this very entertaining video of Marcus having fun and laughed along with him. He has obviously in the past enjoyed such fun times and you are finding those things he enjoys and it is bringing out the true Marcus underneath. Soon he will feel comfortable enough to just flap those wings and spin/swing that boing to his hearts content. You may even want to say spin or swing, which ever is appropriate at the time. He will soon be saying it as well. I loved his laugh and comments.


Thanks for posting this and I hope to see many more! :)

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You may even want to say spin or swing, which ever is appropriate at the time. He will soon be saying it as well.


Wow, Dan, I totally didn't even think to say that while he was spinning like that! :P Haha, thank you for the reminder! :)


And thank you, everyone, for all of your lovely comments!! :)

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Marcus is beautiful, by the way.


Thank you so much, Birdnut, that's really a very sweet thing for you to say. Warmed my heart. :)


And Judygram: you think he's full of himself?? Haha, he might be, I dunno! :D


And everyone else, truly, thank you for your lovely comments and encouragement, I'm glad you enjoyed watching the video too... Marcus has come a long way from when we first adopted him, I think, and now that he's really starting to act "like a bird" as my husband puts it, we're just thrilled!! We just want our 'son' to be happy, and we're so glad to just see these seemingly small things (like his jubilation at being whirled around on the Boing) that indicate he's really kind of happy here with us. :)

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