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Update on Beau & Argyle (as requested by luvparrots lol)


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Ok here goes. Well I've been away from this forum for some time, on occasion I browse without signing in but I now work full time and have other commitments so don't visit that often these days, I have however been here a little recently to give help and advice to member Popsicle as there doesn't seem to be many UKers here, also I couldn't help but read updates on poor Missing Murphy and his distraught owner.


So update on Beau, he is now 2 years old and talks for England, he really is an incredible talker and says so much these days that I don't think I could remember all his phrases to list, my favourite has to be "I love you, I do". I strongly suspect that Beau is in fact a "she" but I've always spoken to "him" as a boy and until his sex is confirmed otherwise I will continue to do so. I love that bird so much I really do and although he has chosen Steve as his favourite (no doubt about that) I do have my uses and Steve isn't allowed to give goodnight scritches, that is for me alone. Beau loves to have his head scratched, he turns his head into the position he wants scratched, he loves to be scratched very close to his eyes, he closes them and during the scratch the white part of his face turns pink lol.


Argyle is now 5 years old and a very bold bird, during the spring he is very agressive. He is going through a reasonably calm phase atm but is territorial of his cage and doesn't come out at all. I tried clipping him against my better judgement, I was advised to do this to "cure" his agression - it didn't work and I have allowed the clip to grow out. I have taken advice from "behaviour experts" but alas Argyle is just..well Argyle. Last year I bought him a new cage and he seems happy enough but being a pre-owned bird I have to wonder why he became so agressive in the first place.


Anyway that's the update, I hope everyone else's birds are doing fine and I hope to soon be reading of Murphy's safe retur home.

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It is nice to hear an update on Beau and Argyle and yes you can come on from time to time and fill us in on what goes on in the life of Beau, you have been missed even if no one else mentions it here.

I think you may be mistaken on Beau being a girl, I thought he looks more like a male grey when I saw him last September but then we all know it is impossible to know without a dna test and when you get ready to know then you will have it done but if it should show he is indeed a she then the name still fits, works for me.

Argyle is like you say Argyle or as we sometimes refer to him as Sid Vicious is a lovely looking bird but something of a mystery as to his past so he keeps everyone at a distance, maybe in time he will mellow out some.

So come on back now anytime ya hear.

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