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WAITING FOR MY CAQ updated....

Casey Luria

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I have an update. Apparently I misunderstood and my baby Grey is not 9 weeks he is 14 weeks. He will be here on Monday afternoon. Now i am really excited to get him. He is eating everything and playing with toys.

I am not going to sleep until he gets here.

Right now I have his cage in my bedroom off the living room. I thought it might be good to have him in a quiet place to start with and I have an Amazon to worry about. Do you think it will be ok to have them in the same room on opposite sides? How long do I need to wait before introducing them?

I have a an appt with the vet on Thurs morning to get him started.anyone have any advice?


Edited by Casey Luria
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Congratulation on your new baby! :-)

For great advice/story do look up threads from rbpittman when she introduces her new CAG to the rest of her flock. Also, we all had many topics about vet visits so check those out too. This is just to get you started;-)

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Hi & Congratulations!


I haven't had a baby grey, so I'm just going to suggest that you read thru some of the forum posts about socializing new babies. The other members who have had new babies should really post some feedback soon. Think everyone's a little distracted by the summer weather, so we've been a little slower to respond lately.


However, your new baby should actually be in strict quarantine for the time being. His cage should be in a different part of the house. The contents of his cage should be kept & cleaned completely separately from your Zon's. If you hand wash cups, use a separate sponge, paper towel or whatever. Keep a big long sleeved shirt in the room with the baby. Put in on over your clothes when you enter. Take it off & leave it for next time, before you leave. Then wash your hands before you do anything else.


Quarantine is admittedly a bit of a pain. But because birds can carry highly infectious diseases without showing any symptoms, it really is important.


By the time the test results come back from the vet, you should probably have a bunch of threads under your belt & a bunch of suggestions from everyone.


Hope you really enjoy tomorrow. I hear it's going to be a GREYT day :)

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Casey, I agree with keeping your new baby in a different room away from the Amazon until after you have completed a vet check of the new baby and am assuming that the Amazon has already been cleared in the last 6 months. The separation time for them is also time for you to get your new baby settled into your house and on a routine schedule, time spent learning you and you learning them. As with any new addition, remember to treat your Amazon first - first fed, first out, etc. This will keep the established place of the flock, and allow new members.


You have probably already started talking to your Amazon about the new arrival, but if not, start now! My latest addition to the flock came in February and her integration into the flock was chronicled in this forum. The best way to prepare your existing flock is to prepare them the same way you would a child about a new brother or sister coming. At least that is what has worked for me.


Good luck and congratulations on your new addition.



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I did write another post with recent info but it seems to have gotten lost. We had a rough beginning with a three day hunger strike. Quinn already had a vet appt so we got him taken care of. He got a shot to get his tummy going. It worked, I left him with the people who sold him to me, I was afraid to take him back and have him not eat. The shot worked and being in a familiar environment with lots of birds and handlers who knew what they were doing. I got to pick him up two days later. I got a bird DVD with a lot of noisy parrots on it and played that most of the day. Quinn has been eating ever since. He now greets me with a chirping sound. I don't know if this is something he copied or it is his own voice. The Greys I have known spoke human and, sounds, and I never heard anything natural except for the cackle when they didn't want to be picked up. Quinn has always been good about being picked up. He is relaxing more with me and sometimes prefers to stay on me rather than go back to his cage. I use a small cuisineart to chop up a variety of veggies and fruit and add so e goodies like a little shredded cheese, brown rice, and nuts. Both the parrots have been scarfing it up. I freeze the excess, so I have back up meals. Quinn wasn't weaned onto pellets but is eating them all the time.

Ihave just gotten new dog from the shelter, the timing isn't perfect but the dog is. It is a small dog who is interested in the parrots but not obsessed with them the way some of the dogs we tried out. TheAmazon met Jake today and wanted to check out the dogs nose with his beak, the dog was afraid. Quinn doesn't seem to care about the dog at all. I think they are all going to get along. The dog follows me everywhere so iknow where and what he is up to.

I think all is going well and Quinn even seems to be making some sounds, he will be calling the dog soon.

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