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Couch Potato Amazon


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Pancho is doing well. He eats everything I give him, and this is coming from a seed-only diet. He especially loves carrots, chicken bones, mango, plums, and spaghetti. I am glad to see that not only is he eating good food willingly, but that he takes food so tenderly from my hand.


Lately, I have been trying to think of ways to get him moving around more. Basically, he sits either outside or inside his cage and doesn't move much. He naps in the afternoon. And no, he is not sick- he got a clean bill of health from the vet. He LOVED the shower we gave him. The guy at the pet store, his second home after his first owner gave him up, said that he hated baths with the spray bottle. That is definitely not what we experienced on Sunday! We had the birds outside in their cages, and I decided to try and give Pancho a shower. I used the shower setting on the hose attachment and turned the shower up so the water fell like rain. He LOVED it! He opened his wings and wanted it to go on forever. As far as toys go, he does periodically play with various toys, but not with much gusto or excitement. Because he loves walnuts, I wrapped some pieces of them in paper and stuffed them into cardboard tubes, hoping he would enjoy the challenge. I also put one of those puzzle toys with treats in his cage. So far, no change. Lastly, I found out that the bamboo we are clearing from the food garden is non-toxic. So I brought in some short leafy pieces and placed them in each of the bird cages. Both Brutus, the grey, and Pancho went right over and started stripping off leaves. Brutus kept at it and Pancho soon stopped. I hope he will come out of the proverbial shell soon. He definitely gets excited when I play videos of singing amazons for him.


Is Pancho destined to be a couch potato? I am really hoping that he is not.

Edited by chezron
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We have Taylor, a 6 year old Grey, and we have Paco a 37 year old yellow headed Amazon. Compared to Taylor who flies everywhere constantly, Paco is a couch potato too. In fact we have decided that he sneaks out and goes clubbing all hours of the night after we go to bed. During the day he sits on his perch with an apparent hangover. Doesn't seem interested Alka seltzer. Paco only flies when food is involved or that nasty vacuum starts up. So, Pancho is in good company.


Regarding food: Paco got a bad lab report from the vet because he is such a couch potato. No exercise. The Vet put him on 100% Zupreem. Nuthin else. No pizza No spare ribs no mayo..actually that was his diet about 20 years ago.


Now its Zupreem and occasional fruit, peanuts or corn


Also, Paco favorite Youtube, "besides sitting on the toilet", is laughing parrots

Edited by Taylorsdaddy
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Pancho sounds just like Cricket. When Cricket came to us she was she was on a all seed diet, over weight, could not fly, was kept in a small cage and was very nasty.

She did bond with me very quickly and the family with in the first 3 months We did take her off seed and put her in a large cage and that was the first thing we did.

Like I said she bonded with me very fast, but it was over two years before she would play with toys.With a good diet her weight is down where it should be and she can fly and has turned out to be a great part of the family, it just takes time. Even today she will do new things she never did before.

Edited by Ray P
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You are right MarcusCag, I know things are going amazingly well with Pancho. I am looking a gift horse in the mouth and I know that. I am just curious more than anything. I always thought amazons were pretty energetic as a group. But just like people, I guess, they differ as individuals. My grey is nonstop all day long and I did not expect that. I love it though---most of the time.

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