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Eva's first bath!


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The woman at the bird store said I could hold off a little and let Eva get adjusted before I started regular bathing. Well today I saw her trying to get inside her water bowl on the play stand and splash her self, so I figured it was time for her first bath. I got her some ALoe Vera juice, which I've learned from here is very good for greys and mixed it with half water:



She loved the spray down! Now how often does everyone here shower their Greys. My other bird is small enough that he can take a full bath in his water bowl twice a week so I don't worry about it.

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Eva looks like a drowned rat since she does not have the water proofed feathers yet, when she gets good at preening and distributing that oil over her feathers then it will be harder to get her wet like that, thanks for sharing the pic with us.

You don't have to mix the aloe vera juice with water as you can use it straight from the bottle.

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  judygram said:
Eva looks like a drowned rat since she does not have the water proofed feathers yet, when she gets good at preening and distributing that oil over her feathers then it will be harder to get her wet like that, thanks for sharing the pic with us.

You don't have to mix the aloe vera juice with water as you can use it straight from the bottle.


Thanks for all the comments!


Hmmm... I didn't realize realize she didn't have water proof feathers yet. Guess it makes sense she was soaked!

Can the water be cold that she's sprayed with, the bottle of aloe juice said to keep it refrigerated after opening.

This time it was room temperature.

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I can NEVER get sully that wet!! That's a grey that loves water, Good for you!! :)


We bathe Sully about once every two or three days... Unless he's just not having it, then we set a casserole dish with water in it at the bottom of his cage, and he bathes within a few minutes :)

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