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I hope, it was just a Fluke!!!


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When I got Sterling it was sort of last minute. His origin people had to back out at the last moment. Anyhow, this is what happened this AM. New things for Sterling's cage came in and so I was busy enjoying putting in the rope perch, beaded swing, cement perch, etc. And thank God, I was right there!!! Sterling was climbing around inside his cage and he slipped and his total wing to his body slipped fully in between the bars. He was by the front food bowl so he was "jammed between the corner and the bowl. I had the door open and I was able to quickly reach for him and keep him from falling when he wing was caught at the cross bar. He squawked and bite at me, but I held on so he wouldn't slip and I could figure out how to get him untangled without breaking his wing. I succeeded and Sterling is as good as gold.


I hope this never happens again, it has never happened to the other two parrots. To be honest, Sterling is bigger than either Louie or Ana Grey so how did this happen???

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I can see how that could happen and I have never had muy fids do that either but it was a fluke and probably won't happen again, Sterling is still a baby and clumsy yet and it was a very good thing you were right there to help him or it could have been a lot worse for him.

The important thing now is how does Sterling feel right now, does he act any different towards you because of it?

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Judy, Sterling is just fine, he has been all cuddly and his same self. He is a very confident guy. He is very mellow and basically just a gentle giant. I've nicknamed him BamBam (remember the adopted little boy of Barney and Betty of the Flintstones?? He was very strong.)

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oh thats very cute.... Im glad that you were there for him... cant emagine how those little fids manage to get themselves into trouble very easily. Im glad he had you next to him at the time.... post some pix, we wanna see the new baby...

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Ranaz, always ready and willing to show off my babies:




Bluefishburley, I certainly know how you felt! I was so terrified that I would break Sterling Gris' wing when I was trying to manipulate him out of his predicament. Luckily he didn't clamp down with his bites and he wasn't pissed of at me. He was all cuddly and very happy to be safe and free!

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Yes both Louie and Ana Grey have decided that Sterling is the enemy and love to dive bomb him. Funny thing is that when I am feeding Sterling his evening formula. He still loves to have it although he is eating other foods very well. Ana Grey quietly sits on my shoulder and just watches me feed Sterling and when Sterling is done she quietly says, "want some" and takes a bite or two. Its like Ana Grey knows that although she doesn't like Sterling he is a baby and so does not interfere in this one thing I do with him.

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