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Developmental Psych and Greys


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This month I've been taking a developmental psych class, and the past few chapters we went over, "The first two years" reminded me so much of what everyone on here has said of their greys.


First it was language. How infants start off with "baby-babble" that parents don't understand. Some parents that are extremely diligent in listening to these noises can tell when the baby is hungry, when the baby needs to use the bathroom, when the baby wants to be held...etc


Then the first words. How some words are used in general (like every animal could be a 'cat' even if it's a dog or a fish) and association between two words starts to develop.


Some behaviors I found similar as well..behaviors saying how they don't want something, or interaction with certain items...I was astounded. I went to raise my hand to talk about the similarities I've read from Grey companion humans, but my professor was tired of me talking about birds in her class. :rolleyes:


I just thought I'd share! I'll continue to post and see if I find any other similarities.

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Good observation and you will go farther with your pet keeping because of this knowledge. Your professor was most likely tying to stay on humans. She only has so long to cram that core into her allotted time. She also could know very little about birds and when the Professor becomes the student, especially in their class, that usually never goes over that well. There is a ton of scientific data on these observed behaviors in animals. I'm sure a favorite scientific read out here is Alex and Me.


I've taken 800 level Psychology and I apply it daily for every situation, especially pet-keeping.

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<Snip>I went to raise my hand to talk about the similarities I've read from Grey companion humans, but my professor was tired of me talking about birds in her class. :rolleyes: I just thought I'd share! I'll continue to post and see if I find any other similarities.


LOL! You are now a confirmed crazy bird lover. :P


You are right however in the similarities and you'll also find the "Terrible Two's" match as well. :)


Todd is right, you should drop it so your grade doesn't drop as well. :)

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Ooh, ouch! You think a prof would really do that just because she's offering comments only slightly different from the norm?


"MarcusCAG, don't be naive, they have very few minutes and need too have a certain % to pass."


I actually just received my used psychology textbook I ordered in the mail the other day, I've only paged through it so far because I've been kind of busy here. I'd love to study psychology in-depth in a 'true' setting someday but, for now, I have to keep myself pacified researching things on my own. ;) But Eshana, please do share any more connections you make or thoughts you have pertaining to this subject, I'd very much enjoy reading your perspective on human/parrot correlations and such.


I agree, we all should speak of behaviors that our birds represent emotionally.


MarcusCAG you seem on par so study away and apply as you feel. Education (you or taught) is the best way to life and succeed on any level. Historically speaking, some of the smartest men started with used textbooks.

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Haha! I'll try to not have my grade lowered!


I'm actually a corporate communications major, but I take psychology classes as my electives. I find it very interesting, and if I had a mind for math I'd have majored in animal psychology.


I have a question...one of the issues that came up in class today is that infants of a certain age can't recognize themselves in a mirror, but once they get past a certain age suddenly they have that self awareness. Does anyone know if their greys can recognize themselves in the mirror?

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This is so interesting...I love the comparison... Ive taken 3 psychology cources as well , 2 of which are child psychology and early child education and wow the similarities are amazing. As for the mirror thing, im not sure its about age for greys. Ive had a baby grey (10 weeks old) that was so smart that when i first introduced her to a mirror, she went around the mirror behind, to check where is the other grey, in a short while, she was recognizing her own image. How could I tell: well i just came from behind her with a grape, in front of the mirror... first time she went to the mirror to get the grape... next time she turned around to my hand and got her grape... i repeated this later on to see where she would go to get the peanut, again she turned back to my hand and got her peanut.... still she was very happy to play with her own image in the mirror... bobbing her head and beaking her image....

Now with Kookie, who is almost 6 years, he still loves mirrors. Put the mirror away and he might think its another grey (just like the ones he watches excitedly on my laptop screen). Put the mirror close to him and he will play for a while then get bored with his own image... funny and so cute.... Give him a small mirror to play with.... no no thats too dangerous... he will attack it like his life depends on it and then Im afraid he will break it and get himself wounded... so its either a big wall mirror under my supervision... or nothing...lol

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I think we are obsessed by our greys..... we never fail to bring them up in any sort of conversation....class, work, friends.... I even bring parrot stuff up in my classes with my students (Sophomore class) ... they love it

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I second that, I think everyone at my job has had enough of me talking about my birds. So I don't anymore, lol. I have one co worker who a Caique so we can chat, but other than that no. They always joke with me at work "How's your parakeets?"


I did do a presentation on avian care and parrots as pets for my Professional and Public Speech class a couple of semesters ago, I bought my BB who was a very good sport and actually cooperated in front of the class. Everyone really enjoyed it.


I always come here to get my fix!

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