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Murphy has escaped!


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Well guys I'm off to bed to try & get some sleep if I can. 10.30pm here in the UK & I'm normally wide awake for a few more hours but today events have tired me out. I'm starting to feel upset now that I've time to reflect on today & think about what has happened. I want to get up early & go look for him, fingers crossed tomorrow will be a better day. I'm wondering if living in a rural area is better or worse for a lost parrot, the next village is a few of miles away & we just have open countryside & lots of trees in the village.


Night night everyone & good night Murphy, wish me luck for tomorrow & thanks for all the support today.





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I am so sorry that you're dealing with this situation right now, Paul... so many people here have offered such wonderful advice though, and hopefully tomorrow morning you will find your Murphy close by, and your happy reunion will put all of this angst and fear behind you. He's out there, and he wants to be with his flock, and I just pray that this unpleasant scenario will be wrapped up tight for you both sometime tomorrow. Thinking of you...

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Well I've been out this morning searching & calling but nothing, I can't locate him. last time I seen him was yesterday evening flying over my house & this morning I've been back in that direction again hoping to hear him. Going back out again in a minute.

Edited by reggieroo
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Keep the faith Paul, stay strong, you will find him hopefully. Get some kids from around neighborhood to help you look... Just instruct them not to freighten him if they see him. Keep calling.... all my thoughts with you....

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I'm feeling upset right now, just stopped to think about it all & felt my eyes filling up. If I had heard him today or seen him I wouldn't feel so bad but I feel like he has gone now. :(


I've been trudging round the village since 11am yesterday morning, ringing his favorite bell, carrying his bowl of food & a pillow case to put him in. I pop back to give up dates & have a drink & then back out again.

His cage is in the garden along with two play stands, one with a huge tray of food for him to spy if he does a fly by.


Off out again in a minute but just not sure where to look right now.

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Stay strong Paul, be strong for him, he needs you now... get help if you can, the more people, the more eyes. He is probably, tired, hungry & thirsty, wouldnt fly distances now... keep looking... my prayers with you...

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I've spoken to every person I have seen today in the village & asked them to keep an eye out. I think pretty much the whole village knows by now & are on the look out. It's now getting quite hot here so I imagine he needs a drink.

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Its great that you pass the news around. Let the vet & petshop in your area know as well cos someone might find him and bring him in. If you can also notify the local radio station, maybe they can announce it. I wish I lived closer so that I would come & help. My heart and prayers stay with you. Be patient and keep looking... Im sure you will celebrate having him back soon... stay positive, it makes a difference believe me... keep the food and water & cage in an open place next to your home in the last place you saw him... maybe he is still there hiding somewhere around. He will find you, im sure...

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Just got back in after the last search of the day, unfortunately I haven't seen or heard from him once today, I'm gutted. I really thought today would be the day I found him but instead I feel he is lost to me even more. I just can't believe yesterday he was around & today he seems to be completely gone. If he was still around I'm sure he would have answered me at least once. I've been out to the outskirts of the village with a megaphone I borrowed from a neighbour but still nothing.


All there is around the village is open countryside, absolutely impossible to locate him if he has left the village which I fear he has. I'm guessing something spooked him first thing this morning & he must have flew off in the wrong direction. I can't quite understand why yesterday he didn't turn around & come back to me when I was calling him as he flew overhead. The feeling of knowing I was so close to him yesterday but couldn't do anything is gutting.


Oh Murphy I hope your alright my little mate, I'm missing you so much. I don't like not being able to talk to you as I walk past your cage. PLEASE MURPHY COME BACK! XXX

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It is possible that someone found him between last night and this morning and took him in. That would explain why you had no sighting of him today. It could be the one person in the village who is unaware who he belongs to. Hopefully tomorrow or Saturday you will hook back up. I still have good feelings that you are going to get him back. Keep posting flyers with his picture and your number. Possibly offer a reward (but don't indicate how much on the flyer, just *REWARD FOR RETURN*). He will be back with you soon.

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Oh Paul! Im on my nerves all day hoping to hear some good news from you, and I am still postive. Dont loose your faith, so many people find their greys after many days. Im sure if you didnt find him, some one will, thats why you need to keep people around you informed. Hang some posters around in the next village or two. Those greys are smart and I hope he has stayed close to the area of your home, as most greys do. Keep looking my friend and dont loose hope. rest tonight and tomorrow is another day... hope we will hear some good news. keep the light on on your porch or balcony tonight, keep the cage out in the lit area with food and water, maybe he will come home.... Ill continue sending good thoughts toward you. Hope you find him soon

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Have you placed posters at the stores and markets in your area? Contacted the nearest veterinarians. I would also place a lost ad in the local newspaper. If he is a friendly grey, he may have found a human when he got hungry. Don't give up!!! Murphy is counting on you to be strong and keep looking. The Greyforum is praying for Murphy and you, you must keep believing. I am.

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Keep the faith Paul for you will find him, it is possible like the others have said that he has been found by someone who doesn't know you are missing a grey so keep good thoughts, sometimes when things look darkest it is right before the light comes. We are all here praying for him to be found and each and every one of us would help you look if it were possible, Murphy will be found soon, I can feel it.

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The cage & play stands are still out in the garden with a big tray of food. I have also put posters on all the notice boards in the village & the two shops. One thing I need to do tomorrow is contact the local vets, everyone else I can think of has been contacted today & it's all over the net. Local paper, good idea I'll try that tomorrow, not much more I can do now but pray.

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try the local radio station if any, put posters near school gates with photos of Murphy. Kids talk a lot, they will spread the word around and they will help you by keeping an eye out for him...

If there is any pet shop in the area, make sure they know, cos someone who might have found him, could try to buy a cage...I still feel positive about this, stay strong my friend

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My heart aches for you, wish we all could be there helping search for Murphy. Please remain positive, maybe he is just tired & resting someplace today & will be more active tomorrow trying to get home. Don't lose faith, we know some grey's have been found several days after escaping.

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