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Murphy has escaped!


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Great news!!!!! ..but I just need to ask, are you sure it is not one more prank caller? Hope not! Anyway, you are looking for a Grey in the dark..that doesn't sound really possible. Maybe you should go to sleep now so you could be there at dawn so if he found a place to sleep there, maybe you'll spot him when he wakes up and goes looking for food. Plus, you'll have a whole day in the area to look for him if you don't spot him in the morning. It would be great to have his favorite food with you and any kind of plan how to catch him. Gooooooooooooood luck!! and keep us posted!¨:-)

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Could be a prank caller but I have their number so not likely. They always call & with hold their number so you can't call them back or report them. I don't have much of a plan, not sure how to get him even if I do see him, just hoping he will be pleased to see me & fly to me.

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My Amazon escaped a couple of times when she lived in her original home. They lived in the country. She went way up high in a tree, and want to come back down, but she was afraid to. They'd call her and she'd call them, but she wouldn't come down and they couldn't go up that high. So finally what they did was put together a whole bunch of copper pipes (he worked in the trade, so there were lots lying around) into a long wobbly stick-like contraption. Then he rattled that thing around below her, in the leaves, and she got scared and flew down.


I think I've heard too that you shouldn't stand at the base of the tree your bird is in. You should stand back, so he's got a more gradual descent if he tries to fly to you. He's more likely to risk an easier angle than straight down!

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Well, I'm gonna say this once more.. Most parrots don't know how to descend, especially at steeper angles so maybe it should be good to bring a familiar perch to get him onto,or some kind of pole, ladder which he has seen, cage, pillowcase, food, treats, a favorite toy maybe,... I have feeling he's not gonna come down just like that. It could be a process so don't get nervous. Just nice and easy, it will happen:) Think how strong and bright boy he must be if he is still flying around, safe and well:) It is a BIG thing. Your boy is still out there just waiting for you so be patient as well:) ...and of course he will be thrilled to see you.. He might not react to you in a predictable manner because of his surroundings and because he has been alone for some time now. Things have changed. Just keep that in mind and arm yourself with positive thoughts, sandwiches, water and patience:)

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This is great news Paul, I agree with Julie, be there early wearing something Murphy will recognize if you can and call to him with words, sounds, phrases he will recognize and with some goodies he can smell and recognize. I wish you great luck and lots of good prayers coming Murphy's way. Get a little rest for tomorrow!

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I'm planning on getting there first thing but it might not even be him, seems a little far away 40 miles but not impossible. There has been a few others that have gone missing in that area, I called one lady & she got hers back. Haven't really got anything I can take apart from the bag I carry around in the car with his food bowl, toy & a pillow case.

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I am keeping everything crossed for you. Was Murphy clipped at all? If he is fully flighted he should be able to come down. However his brain has been flooded with all kinds of new experiences so it will be difficult for him to get his perspective. If he has a whistled contact call whistle it to him as soon as you catch sight and see if he responds. I am sure you will get him back because he sees you as his flock partner.


Good luck

Steve n Misty

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Good luck! I have a question, if and when you get Murphy back, would you consider clipping his wings then?


Why!? Very probably he wouldn't be alive if he have had his wings clipped! In that situation you would be only left with prayers for you to find him before the predators do! No to mention that he wouldn't have the capacity to find food that easily, even if some thing didn't had him as its breakfast already.. This way, he at least has the capability to take care of himself. Anyway, that were my two cents...


Hope Paul gets Murphy soon and tell us the happy news so we can all celebrate!!! :D

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Ok guys, well I got there this morning at first light before the birds woke up. I spent 20 mins walking round calling & whistling before I heard a shrieking. Immediately I thought that sounds like an Amazon as I used to have one a few years back, you don't forget those shrieks.


Anyway I tracked it down to the exact tree it was in, although it was still a little dusky I could see it wasn't Murphy but couldn't quite see what color it was. It did look like one color though & no white round the eyes. So by the size & noises it made I guessed it was an Amazon.


So I'm there & I said to myself "right Paul, you need to catch this bird & make at least one owner happy" I tried for three hours to get it to come down or even get a reaction from this bird, tried talking to it, offering food but nothing. It just wasn't interested in me one bit, it even got fed up of me & kept flying off to another tree. I eventually lost it in a massive tree where it went quiet, I hung around for another hour or two but completely lost track of it. I'm absolutely knackered now after only having three hours sleep last night.


What I did then was to ask around with various dog walkers etc & got some info. One chap said it was an Amazon that had been around for some time & another lady said that it woke her up every morning for over a week. I then got talking to some local garden maintenance workers who confirmed it was an Amazon & that it had been there for two weeks.


I had Kate at home trying to track down any owners who lost an Amazon near by & found one chap. As soon as I got home I called him & told him what I had found out etc. I even played back a recording of it's shrieks that I took on the phone but he said it didn't sound like his bird. Even so he agreed with me that it could have picked up new sounds & is going to head out to the location to see if it is his.


I've asked him to keep in touch & let me know how he gets on.


Sorry folks, not the news you wanted to hear but thought I'd share. I feel as if I have a duty to try & reunite as many parrots & owners as I can. I've already called numerous people about other parrots I've found along the way.


The search for me goes on. :blow:

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Good luck! I have a question, if and when you get Murphy back, would you consider clipping his wings then?


You know what that's a question I don't know how to answer, Kate said to me when he got out " you should clip his wings if we get him back" I sort of just shrugged my shoulders. There are two ways of looking at it, now that he is out, I'm glad I didn't clip his wings as he probably wouldn't survive without them, at least he has a fighting chance with his full set of wings. On the other hand, if his wings had been clipped then he probably wouldn't have escaped in the first place & would be safe at home right now.


I made the decision not to clip his wings for various reasons inc his mental well being & I enjoyed him flying around, sometimes he was a pain in the butt but what I would give right now for Murphy to be a pain in the butt flying round my house.

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Looks like you were sent on a wild Amazon chase! Good on you for trying to track the owner. You definitely deserve some good fortune in finding your Murphy.

Is Murphy ringed or chipped? I have read that Greys tend not to fly far from home so there is still every chance.


Good luck.

Steve n Misty

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Well guys, with what I've been through with Murphy's great escape I wouldn't wish it upon anyone & if I can help somebody get their bird back then at least all my efforts haven't been in vain. I'm still at it & haven't given up, although I must admit some days I feel there is no hope. Murphy is ringed by the way & registered with the UK parrot society.


Does anybody know how far they can travel? I have called a few numbers of found African greys over 100 miles away & keep getting told no way he would be out this far.

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Does anybody know how far they can travel? I have called a few numbers of found African greys over 100 miles away & keep getting told no way he would be out this far.


My little conure traveled 40 miles away where he was found in two weeks time. In the wild, they travel on average 50 miles a day.

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My little conure traveled 40 miles away where he was found in two weeks time. In the wild, they travel on average 50 miles a day.


I keep getting told by so called experts that he will only go 20 miles max????? I find this a little bizzare as he has a very capable set of wings & I keep saying that it is quite possible that he will travel a good distance. I'm going to keep calling all the greys that have been found up to 100 miles away.

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You know what that's a question I don't know how to answer, Kate said to me when he got out " you should clip his wings if we get him back" I sort of just shrugged my shoulders. There are two ways of looking at it, now that he is out, I'm glad I didn't clip his wings as he probably wouldn't survive without them, at least he has a fighting chance with his full set of wings. On the other hand, if his wings had been clipped then he probably wouldn't have escaped in the first place & would be safe at home right now.

I made the decision not to clip his wings for various reasons inc his mental well being & I enjoyed him flying around, sometimes he was a pain in the butt but what I would give right now for Murphy to be a pain in the butt flying round my house.


I can see that your torn my friend, but I fully agree with Kate. Ive been told again and again that a clipped bird can fly away in a gust of wind, but from my very real and personal experience, they do not fly away. they glide to the ground 5 to 8 feet at best.

I know theres so many shouldve couldve thoughts running through your mind at this point in time, so I do not want to torment you with this. Im sorry if I cause any undue stress. I fully understand the mental aspect of it for a grey, and I agree to a certain extent especially when they are fledging and whatnot, but I also realize that a bird that cannot fly away wont fly away.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck in getting reunited with Murphy (or for you to get a diffrent rescued grey locally) soon.

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Why!? Very probably he wouldn't be alive if he have had his wings clipped! In that situation you would be only left with prayers for you to find him before the predators do! No to mention that he wouldn't have the capacity to find food that easily, even if some thing didn't had him as its breakfast already.. This way, he at least has the capability to take care of himself. Anyway, that were my two cents...


Hope Paul gets Murphy soon and tell us the happy news so we can all celebrate!!! :D



No Morana, if Murphys wings wouldve been clipped he'd be alive at home right now: there wouldnt be any predators inside of the house, and the twists and turns Murphy had to do to get out of the door- he wouldve had to walk out of the house.


Like I said earlier, I get it if the chick is young and needs confidence, let them be flighted. ~ Sure, I wouldnt want to mentaly mess up the bird ~ but if its an older bird that is already mentally stable and the owner dosent live alone, or cannot fully secure the home, (like you did by putting pretty drawings on the windows and sticky notes), then by all means CLIP THE WINGS so the bird doesnt fly away. . .


Thanks for your 2 cents, but we all want Murphy to be home safe.

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I hate to sound rude, but No Morana, if Murphys wings wouldve been clipped he'd be alive at home right now.


There wouldnt be any predators inside of the house, and the twists and turns Murphy had to do to get out of the door he wouldve had to walk out of the house.


Like I said earlier, I get it if the chick is young and needs confidence, let them be flighted. ~ Sure, I wouldnt want to mentaly mess up the bird ~ but if its an older bird that is already mentally stable and the owner dosent live alone, or cannot fully secure the home, (like you did by putting pretty drawings on the windows and sticky notes), then by all means CLIP THE WINGS so the bird doesnt fly away. . .


I appreciate your 2 cents, we all want Murphy to be home safe.


The point of this thread is to help the OP find Murphy, and for the members of this forum to offer comfort and support. I have not been here very long, but I do not think this is the time or the place for the to clip or not to clip argument.


Let us all please just try and keep our thoughts on Murphy.

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