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Murphy has escaped!


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Thast wonderful news Paul! It clearly indicates Murphy is thrving and also that your tremendous efforts in getting the word out are paying off. With that kind of "Aware" audience you have built up, it drastically improves your missions success of retrieving Murphy. I have no doubt this has been a great big shot in the arm for you of HOPE, knowing that he is still well and active.

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Well guys, it has been like Dan said "great big shot in the arm for you of HOPE" for me. I feel more positive that he is still out there surviving & most likely looking for me as much as I'm looking for him. I just need to be in the right place at the right time now to catch sight of him in a tree & that all depends on peoples help with spotting him. I'm just hoping for a more solid lead that somebody actually has a sighting of him right now so I can try & get there before he takes off again. I get the feeling he isn't staying put in the same place for long either.


Does anybody now how fast they can fly & what sort of distance they can cover in one go?

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That is great news indeed! I have no idea how far he can go but I believe since he's lost, he might fly until he finds company or a good spot to stay. And that could take him a bit further away from where his last location. But hopefully you'll get more calls soon and you will rescue him. Crossing all my fingers. Good luck!

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Had another phone call at 7.30pm tonight with another sighting but it was 8am this morning. I quickly jumped in the car & headed to the sighting area which was this time 13 miles away but no sign of Murphy. So I just did my usual & put some posters up & came home still disappointed.


Anyway we have now setup a facebook page to help in our search for Murphy nationwide, please join & spread the word.



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reg, I have posted a link both on my facebook wall and also on "feathered friends" facebook wall. Hopefully you will soon be on the receiving end of good news.

One thought, the more hungry Murphy is the more likely he will make cotact with a human. He has to be getting food from somewhere.

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Thank you everybody, you have been amazing in your support for me & my flock.


We were due to go out today to a family party 70 miles away but I cancelled in case I got a phone call about Murphy. As you can guess I didn't hear anything but had I gone I would have had a call.

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Finally!! So encouraging to hear some news!


I don't have any specifics, but from what I've read about wild Grey's they travel miles every day to forage. I've read that they prefer to keep to the edges of the forest & around clearings if they aren't in the rain forest. I don't think they sleep where they eat. I think they also prefer to roost near water. But in the wild, they'd have also had their parents to teach them the rules & a flock for support & company.


I don't know how much of this is instinct & how much is practical living alone. Murphy's just winging it using whatever he learned the way he grew up. I wonder if he might be keeping closer to home, as the grey flies. I just wonder if his roost is somewhere near by.


Unfortunately, he's probably easier to spot when he's on the move & foraging. It's great that you've got so many other people to look for him. Someone ought to be able to get you together soon. I hope very soon!!

Edited by birdhouse
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Following your thread... Looked at Murphy's Facebook page this morning. Praying you find him soon !!! I wish I lived close to help you search... DON'T GIVE UP. I KNOW HE'S CLOSE BY AND LOOKING FOR YOU

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Just had a sick bastard call me telling me that "I have your parrot in my garden, in my tree, come quick to catch him" I got the address, raced down there at record speed breaking every law you can imagine, only to get there & no one home. Caller withheld their number so obviously a wind up to get me on a wild goose chase for their amusement......................I'm so ********* pissed off.........excuse my french! angry5.gif


I was so happy that I had the first positive sighting in real time not 10 hrs ago, really thought I had a chance to get him back. :(

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So sorry Paul but the world is full of those kind of people, don't let that drag you down though for you will get Murphy back real soon, you will get the call that will be the lead you are waiting for so in the meantime you have to field the sickos of the world who have nothing better to do than play with your emotions for their own enjoyment, remember they will get their comeuppantance one day.

Keep up the good work and follow those leads and Murphy will be back in his daddy's loving hands soon, keep the faith Paul and we are all praying for his safe return.

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Thats just sick Paul! People like that get what they deserve sooner or later.


It's wonderful that you had another positve sighting just 10 hours ago. With the number of eye's you have out there, it's only a matter of time. :)

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Thats just sick Paul! People like that get what they deserve sooner or later.


It's wonderful that you had another positve sighting just 10 hours ago. With the number of eye's you have out there, it's only a matter of time. :)


Unfortunately Dan, I didn't get a sighting 10 hours ago, I was referring to the last proper sighting the other day, it was around 10 hours to late by the time I got the call. He was seen in the morning at 8am but I didn't get the call till 7.30pm & by the time I got there nearly 10 hours had passed. So when I got this one I was told they were looking at him in the tree talking to him so I thought great, I have a chance now to catch him & even see him again. But NO, just some freak sicko getting kicks out of my misery!

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Ignore those bastards for they do not know how hard this is. And if I might add, for all of us! I'm so sorry you got such a call but there are many stupid and sick people. The important thing is for you not to allow that to get you down. Somebody else will call with proper news and you'll get your friend back really soon. Hang in there Paul!

Edited by Morana
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