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Murphy has escaped!


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Try to make sure she puts a picture and description of Murphy in the paper, so people will know what to look for. I think she's going to be looking for the human interest angle on this - Murphy's personality and your profound sense of loss are, in my opinion, the human interest angle. For many people, a bird is just a bird - they don't really understand the depth of our love for them. They think they're also interchangeable or replaceable. I think you want the readers to understand that's not the case and to be moved enough to keep their eyes open for Murphy.


Good luck! I really want a happy ending here.

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Zoom is so right ... you need to appeal to emotions... this will mobilize efforts... and some will help you by looking around them....

Make sure to mention a prize for the founder without mentioning the value... or a replacement CAG...post photos if possible and make sure she ads your address and contacts...


any news from the leads you got yesterday??

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Done the story, pretty much just said about how much we miss him & how he is part of the family. Said about how he has grown up with my daughter the same age & how she keeps asking for him & nothing can replace him. Also said he has a special diet & needs regular vet care in case somebody decides to keep him, they might think twice if they know whats involved.



I had another reporter get in touch so now it's going in two papers.

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Keep your hopes up Paul, remember that Murphy needs you and he can't wait to be with you. You are doing all you can and all our hearts & minds are with you... This article should be very helpful. Let's stay positive. Think of what you are gonna do as soon as you see him... :D

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I wish I lived near, even nearish you reg as I would go out on the lookout for Murphy but I didn't even get a message from Parrot Alert, I am too far from you. However Murphy is in my thoughts daily. I hope the newspaper stories combined with all the other coverage you have put about will mean there isn't a pair of eyes closed to your plight. All parrot owners will be sharing in your anxiety to get Murphy back, I hope you know that.

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Hang in there Paul, Murphy is either still out there wanting to get back home or already found by someone who doesn't know who he belongs to, I truly feel like the two of you are going to be reunited soon so keep your chin up and do all you can to get your little buddy back where he belongs, I am thinking of you and keeping good thoughts.

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I've also tried a pet communicator, she said that she told Murphy to stay calm & fly to me when he seen me.


Here is one of the story's in the paper, look at the bottom of page one titled "Where's Murphy gone?" http://www.worcesternews.co.uk/

Here's the other one titled the same. http://www.eveshamjournal.co.uk/archive/2011/07/21/Latest+%28wn_news_latest%29/9152927.Where_s_Murphy_gone_/


Actully they are both the same story online as they are sister papers, but slightly different in the paper .

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The article looks good, Paul! You're being very strong and doing an amazing job. I got a bit intrigued about the way Murphy flew away whilst you were cleaning the cage. Did he get scared of something and started flying or he just suddenly flew out the door? For what I've seen parrots don't usually choose to fly away, unless they are already flying and see an open door in front of them. I'm asking just so I can learn how to prevent things like this from happening. I really hope your hard work will pay off very soon. Always thinking of you and praying Murphy will find his way home.

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I'm so sorry to hear you haven't found Murphy yet. I keep you in my prayers. I also told my father about your situation and he said prayers for you at his Tuesday night prayer group meeting... Like everyone else, I keep checking here and hoping for good news.

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Ok so yesterday I was feeling a bit like well I must get on with stuff I have too do as I have spent 8 days staying in & around the house waiting for phone calls & sightings so I can rush out at a moment's notice. I didn't want to go far in case somebody called me up to say they have seen him so for 8 days I've hung around not getting anything else in life done. But yesterday off I went up to my parents house about 12.30pm some 35 miles away to sort some things out etc & 30 miles away I get a phone call from Kate. She tells me she has just had a call from somebody who has seen him in a tree a few miles away in a village on the opposite side of my village to the last sighting. So I called them up & was told that they had seen an African grey in a tree a little distance off from their garden in the morning about an two hours ago, they then went out to the supermarket to get my number off the poster they had seen there while leaving one person at home keeping a look out. So I rushed back 30 odd miles even though I felt he would be long gone but still I couldn't just ignore it & get on with my day knowing he might be there hoping to be found by me.


Anyway I got there & a few hours had passed since the sighting, I spent a couple hours in & around the area looking, calling, whistling & postering but no luck. They told me they had kept greys & other parrots before so knew for sure it was a grey & whats the chances of it being another lost grey in the same rural area? I'm pretty sure it must have been Murphy & if it was that means he has been flying about a five miles radius around the area of my village. I'm hoping this his grey intelligence is telling him "Dad must be round here somewhere I just need to stay around here" It's been 9 days now but still hope, it is difficult though as It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack & the fact that he is on the move make it even more of a challenge. :eek:

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Well, this is good news Paul! He is alive and well! Especially if he is flying around! He needs strength to do that so he must have eaten and drank and now he is searching for you! Hope he comes home soon! :-D Tnx for the update:-)

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