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Murphy has escaped!


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It is not required that you owned by a grey, or any bird for that matter to be a member of the Greyforums. I was here and participated in the discussions and posted threads for two months before I got my Ana Grey. So Paul you can't get rid of us that easily! You are a member of the Grey Family and when you and Murphy are reunited we all want to say Hooray and celebrate with you! So have faith and trust that the right things will happen in Murphy's and your lives.

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Unfortunately my mission wasn't a success & I didn't find Murphy. I spent a few hours up the wood with my GSD Zeus searching & calling, I even put Murphy's bell round Zeus's collar in case he heard it. I've also just been out in the car to the nearest town & posted a few posters about. Just came back to get some more & I'm going to head off to a few of the surrounding villages to hang some more posters after my coffee. The newspaper was out today with my ad in & I kind of expected a call but nothing yet. Talking to a lady in the market about Murphy trying to spread the word & she told me her brother lost his African grey in Worcester two months ago & hasn't found him yet.


I'm taken aback by all the love of had on the forum & positive replies, it amazes me how we all come together in our times of need, I thank you all once again. Writing this has brought tears to my eyes, thinking I mght not be here anymore because I don't have a grey any more. I'm missing Murphy so much. :(


This kills me. I know how you must feel. I am often frightened by the amount of love I have for Isaac. If he ever got away he would definitely fly off with the best part of me. Even just the 24 hours without him were some of the worst I had. I don't know what I would have done if I had to settle on him being gone for good. I am so sorry to hear that you are having a tough time finding him. I know that when Isaac was gone I was just hoping that someone would find him and just take care of him if I never found him.


I wish there was something I could do to make it better my friend. Just keep hoping the best for Murphy. Try as much as you can. I still hope for your reunion.

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I hope you're gonna be reunited soon. Keep up the work & stay positive Paul. :)

You are one of our flock and we will never let you go. I have a feeling we will celebrate soon...

Edited by ranaz
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You guy's are right, I'm part of this grey family........I'm not going anywhere! I'm just feeling bit emotional today because as every day that passe's without Murphy it become more of a reality that I have lost him, maybe for good & can't imagine what I will do. I don't want a household without a grey but at the same time I can't imagine having another in his place, that's the reason I felt as though I may not be here in the near future.


I'm still trying to stay positive for Murphy & I've been back out & put another 25+ posters in villages on lampposts, pubs & the golf clubhouse down the road. Got some more posters that have been laminated by my Father coming tomorrow to go round my village, I feel I need more than the handful I have already posted. Then Monday I'm going to hit the nearest Town & post in pet shops etc.

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Just hang in there Paul and never give up hope. As others have said, we're all here for you and feel your loss along with you. We check this constantly for updates hoping that the next post will be announcement that you and Murphy are reunited.


The second time my Conure Jake flew away during that huge thunderstorm, it was 4 weeks before I got an email from a person 40 miles away that had found Jake at their backyard bird feeder. He stepped up for their small child and they carried him in the house, got a small cage for him and after a few days thought perhaps someone may have posted online regarding his escape. Thats when I received the email from the craigslist ad I had placed in the lost and found for the central valley area.


I share this just to show that even after we are internally feeling we have lost them forever, there is still hope. :)


You hang in there buddy, we're all with you in this.

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Well I had a bit of hope this morning, I got a phone call from a chap a few villages away that had seen my poster. He overheard some body talking about sighting an African grey a few miles away on Thursday.


So this morning I rushed out to where the sighting was & had a look around. I also went to a local residential caravan site & asked there. They hadn't seen anything but 10 minutes later another chap said he had seen him & would look out for him & see if he can catch him in a cage. He will call me if he has any luck.


So it was Thursday he was last seen, the day after he went missing so he has obviously flown the village & is now a good few miles away. Does give me hope now there has been a sighting. Let's just hope somebody catches him & calls me up.


I also went to a local farm show & asked them to announce it over the mic, they agreed & said they would do it throughout the day.

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Thats wonderful news!!! Now that the people in that area know and are on the lookout, it greatly increases the odds of Murphy being captured and returned.


Fingers, Toes and Eye's crossed here for a speedy return. :)

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I did think you would probably get calls from stupid people just playing around. But it's great news that some people have actually seen him and one guy promised to keep and eye out and try to catch him for you. I'm really hopeful you'll have Murphy soon. Fingers crossed! :)

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I was really hoping you would have Murphy back by now but at least more people know he is missing so the chances of finding him have gone way up, he is out there somewhere and you will find him sooner or later, just keep the faith and keep at it.

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Hi Guys, day 6 & still nothing. Really beginning to miss Murphy now more than ever, silly little things like taking a shower & thinking Oh I must get Murphy he is due one, only the to realise he isn't here. I keep going to whistle tunes knowing he will appreciate it & again realising he won't hear me & one less person to wake up in the morning (yes Murphy was a little person to me, my little grey friend). I keep thinking about his little bobbing head when he was happy & it gets me every time. :(

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Just had an email back from a reporter who I contacted, she is happy to do a story on Murphy's escape. Any suggestions on what I should say? My aim for a story was to get it in the paper so people read about it & get talking & hopefully help find him through word of mouth & speading the word.

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