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Murphy has escaped!


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Just got back in after the last search of the day, unfortunately I haven't seen or heard from him once today, I'm gutted. I really thought today would be the day I found him but instead I feel he is lost to me even more. I just can't believe yesterday he was around & today he seems to be completely gone. If he was still around I'm sure he would have answered me at least once. I've been out to the outskirts of the village with a megaphone I borrowed from a neighbour but still nothing.


All there is around the village is open countryside, absolutely impossible to locate him if he has left the village which I fear he has. I'm guessing something spooked him first thing this morning & he must have flew off in the wrong direction. I can't quite understand why yesterday he didn't turn around & come back to me when I was calling him as he flew overhead. The feeling of knowing I was so close to him yesterday but couldn't do anything is gutting.


Oh Murphy I hope your alright my little mate, I'm missing you so much. I don't like not being able to talk to you as I walk past your cage. PLEASE MURPHY COME BACK! XXX


Uhhhg this is so heart breaking. I can so relate to what you are going through. It is then you truly figure out how much a part of you they are. My best wishes are with you so that you may find your little friend. I know all too well what you are going through and will be here for any advice if you need it. I offered 1000 dollars or an identical bird to who ever would recover Isaac when he went missing. Just to rule out the possibility that someone would find him and keep him. Other than that, scour the village and keep calling out! Whistle do what ever gets him going. Please Murphy make some noise!

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Do not give up bro, he's not far, someone will sight him, he will be found and most importantly he will be back home.


I keep coming back to this thread over and over and over. I can only sit and wait for updates for what I'm envisioning as a happy return home.


I just got done reading the site chezron shared....great site and thanks.

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Take good care and don't let sadness and despair stop you. I am just getting the news, maybe Murphy is just getting the news too and will come looking for you, keep at it and never say never. Please know our hearts and prayers are with you every moment of your search.

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Ok this morning I have spent a few hours on the phone calling local vets, registering details & any other contacts that could help but still nothing to report. I have also emailed reporters for the local newspapers hoping they might do a story & give me some press coverage. I have managed to put a lost ad in our main newspaper that goes out tomorrow, I said "reward given for safe return" Done a few other adverts on any website I can. Now on page one in google for "lost African grey in Worcestershire" I've called some animal shelters that might have birds & animal welfare organisations & registered my details. If he is found & somebody wants to return him it shouldn't be hard to find me now.


When Kate gets back from her meetings I'm going to go out again & then visit local pet shops & put up some more posters & also neighbouring villages. I figure that if somebody finds him they may go & buy some seed for him at one of the pet shops.


I just wish I had micro chipped him to make his return to me easier, something I'll be doing if I get him back straight away.


Going to have a read of that link above from Chezron......thanks.

Edited by reggieroo
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Micro-chipping, hooray! I am a big fan of micro-chipping our beloved companions. Ana Grey has been micro-chipped for a couple of years and Sterling Gris will be chipped next week. An avian veterinarian did my grey. It was done quickly and Ana Grey has never shown any reaction to having a chip. I have such a great sense of relief knowing that I can now easily prove that Ana Grey is mine and no one can question my "ownership". Any veterinarian in the USA will check an animal brought in to them for a micro-chip at no charge.

Edited by luvparrots
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I'm also, as many others, going back to this thread for good news. I'm so sorry you lost your baby but I'm sure he'll be back safe and sound very soon:-)

You asked why he didn't come to you when he flew over your house. Well, as I read several times, many parrots don't know how to descend. It has to be trained. Maybe he wanted but he doesn't know how so he must figure out a way to come to you. Also, you said it began to be hot, so maybe he is hiding somewhere cooler+ he might not be making sounds as a instinctive reaction - so he wouldn't give a way his location to predators, but he might be very close to you. Just keep faith, be strong, cause that is what will bring him back to you. We all have our fingers crossed! Hang in there!!

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Oh no! I'm just back after a few days away and hearing for the first time about Murphy's escape. Poor Murphy! Poor you! It's my worst fear that one of my birds will get loose one day. My heart goes out to you. (And my hat goes off to you - it sounds like you're doing everything possible to help him get home.)


Have you seen him at all today?

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Oh... I was hoping I would hear some good news when I logged in again tonight. :( My hubby and I were out of town today at a convention and over lunch and on the way home I was thinking of Murphy at odd moments... I know you must be exhausted and so depressed that nothing golden has happened yet, but like a lot of others have said, sometimes it can take a little while for a parrot to be reunited with their owner--for a lot of reasons. I just keep thinking of a B&G macaw whose lost ad I found on Craig's List a while back and, amazingly, he was finally reunited with his daddy a number of weeks after the fact. But it did happen! So I'm going to keep hoping and praying that, even if it ends up taking that long for Murphy to find his way back to you, he does find his way back. He misses you, Paul, I'm sure of it. He wants to be back with you as much as you want him home...

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Well today is another day & a new search but to be fair I'm exhausted after the last few days. Yesterday I didn't physically search as much as the two days before but spent more time networking, ringing around & placing ads as I felt that my best hope is somebody finding him & calling me up. I was so tired yesterday I didn't have the energy while walking around & ran out of whistle, I just couldn't whistle anymore. Today I'm following up a hunch, going to a wood a couple of miles up the road, sounds like a good place to hide out for a bit if I was a parrot anyway. Somebody said that they heard a parrot noise up there, not sure what a parrot noise is as he doesn't really make parroty noises but still got to check it out. It has also been raining heavily since yesterday eve which should mean he won't fly as much being wet.


I had a false alarm last night, a neighbour came & knocked my door to say "I think I've found your parrot" he then went on to say he was green/yellow with a red head. Poor guy was so happy he thought he found Murphy for me. I told him great, keep up the good work, that's exactly what we need people actively looking & reporting. I 'm going to go see him this morning to get he details anyway so I can post that up as it must be somebody else's parrot. I've looked on all the websites I'm on & can't find it as lost though. I also got in touch with somebody that found a grey 56miles away, knew it was a long shot but you never know, it's only 28 miles a day to fly if your on a mission. It wasn't Murphy but it could be another lady's grey that was lost in the same area so I'm going to give her the details in a minute, if I can reunite at least one owner with their bird then that will be great.


Anyway I'm going to get off now & get ready for another search & rescue mission.

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Good Luck! It sounds like it could be credible. Murphy's in the wild. It would make sense for him to vocalize in parrot. Now that he's had time to get acclimated, he may do more of it which would be great. Much easier to hear a parrot than spot one in the trees.


Hopefully, the weekend will have more people outdoors, too. Better chance someone will spot him.

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I woke early this morning just so I could check on Murphy's status. I was sure you got him back, but alas, you have not. I wish you all the bast in getting Murphy back. Just know, for what it's worth, that you have many people on this forum who are rooting for the safe return of Murphy and thinking of you.

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Unfortunately my mission wasn't a success & I didn't find Murphy. I spent a few hours up the wood with my GSD Zeus searching & calling, I even put Murphy's bell round Zeus's collar in case he heard it. I've also just been out in the car to the nearest town & posted a few posters about. Just came back to get some more & I'm going to head off to a few of the surrounding villages to hang some more posters after my coffee. The newspaper was out today with my ad in & I kind of expected a call but nothing yet. Talking to a lady in the market about Murphy trying to spread the word & she told me her brother lost his African grey in Worcester two months ago & hasn't found him yet.


I'm taken aback by all the love of had on the forum & positive replies, it amazes me how we all come together in our times of need, I thank you all once again. Writing this has brought tears to my eyes, thinking I mght not be here anymore because I don't have a grey any more. I'm missing Murphy so much. :(

Edited by reggieroo
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Above your avatar it says, loud and clear, "FLOCK MEMBER" so you can't just leave us:-) And you have a Grey, you always will-in your heart and mind. Mustn't abandon that and you can't just yet abandon the strong possibility that Murphy will come back. You/him still have time. There is time for everything and now is time to be persistent. Hang in there for Murphy, our flock member, we got your back! :-)

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^^ Morana, that was just beautiful. And Paul, she's right. There is still time for Murphy to come back, and you know you will always be welcome here regardless of what the weeks and months bring for you. Happiness, we all hope, and joy at a reunion with your Murphy.


I mentioned in my last post about a B&G macaw who was reunited with his owner after a few weeks--well, I read once at a site online (of a sanctuary, I think) about a conure who accidentally escaped from his home one day while his owner was getting new furniture delivered, or something like that. Anyway, it was about a year before they were finally reunited... he flew far away, and a nice but bird-ignorant family decided to 'adopt' him when he alighted in their back yard, tired and hungry, yet after a few months they realized that owning a parrot is far more work than they thought it would be, and that they weren't cut out for it! So they put him up for adoption--something--and an experienced animal care worker, or maybe it was a vet, noticed their "ad" and realized there was probably more to this talkative, loving conure than anyone else could see. So they looked up past records from all around, old lost ads and everything, and finally the conure was reunited with his mom. Again, it was almost a year later, but it did happen! And so there is always the chance that someone far away might come across Murphy even if you don't, and that you'll get to be with your little buddy again, and all of this sadness will just be a past thing...

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I have often thought of making it a priority to teach my feathered flyers their address. My first and last name as well. Specially after Val had her night out. I don't feel that you need to leave us. I also feel you will find murphy. I keep hoping for good news, and I am sure you will one day. Stay strong and positive.

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