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Murphy has escaped!


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Murphy has flew off from the house, I've been round the whole village for about two hours calling him, It was around 11am this morning.


I was cleaning him out & just about to change his food & water so he will be hungry.


I'm not sure what to do now as I'm in a bit of a panic. Been out calling & whistling him but nothing. I would have expected to have heard him call back, I fear the worst that he has flown miles away & is lost.


I'm gutted. :(

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Oh No! When they fly away, they are normally scared of all the new sights, sounds and critters. Instinct tells them to find cover from predators and to be silent so as not to bring attention to themselves or their location. As you search, make sure you do so slowly and visually scan all tree's, bushes etc. carefully as they are not brightly colored and are hard to see.


I doubt seriously that he flew miles away on the first leg of this flight. Right now is probably the closest he will be to your home. As hours or days go by, the chances are the distance will become greater.


I know how you feel, as I have been in that position two times in the last 4 years. You have my prayers and best wishes for a quick finding of Murphy. In my experience, you normally will not hear a peep even if they are only a hundred meters away the first 24 hours. But, you never know. Just keep on keeping on with your calls for him and listen for even the faintest or short return call. Please post online for area in places like Craig's list, 911 parrot etc. It only takes a few seconds to post so you can mainly focus on being out there searching and calling.

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I am full of empathy for you. I have to agree they will not go that far away. Every idea and thought above is great advice. He won't be far and showing the neighborhood boys some twenties for finding your bird...well you'll have a posse. All the best, Todd

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Oh no. My thoughts & prayers are with you. Keep searching, and if possible have some one make up some flyers to post around, describing Murphy & your contact #'s, and as others have said tell the children in your area- sometimes they are very observant & may see him. Stay strong for Murphy, & keep us posted.

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If I remember this is not the first time he has escaped but keep looking for he is out there somewhere and will be found. Put the word out in the neighborhood and put up posters, go to local shops and alert them to possible sightings, make sure everyone knows to be on the lookout for a grey bird. Do not panic and keep a level head for the worst has not happened and he will be found sooner or later. Good luck Paul.

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This is the first time he has escaped, not sure if that is good or bad really. I have been to the local village shop & the pub & asked to them to keep a eye out & tell as many people as possible. I have also asked every person I have seen to keep an eye out & gave my phone number. I've just came in for a drink, going back out again in a minute. Been searching for nearly 5 hours now.

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Oh Paul, hated to hear this!


In addition to what the others have said, I'd suggest you look for him wherever there is a food &/or water source. He will be getting hungry & the initial flight fear will hopefully be easing some. He may be drawn to any fruit or nut trees, gardens, berries or backyard feeders nearby.


Also, remember that he doesn't know how to fly straight down to you. Stand back if he's perched high so he can have about a 45 degree angle of descent & be as low key about calling to him as you possibly can. You're excitement will only amp up his, which is already way out of control. Just stay focused on being calm & knowing you can call him back.


Keeping good thoughts for you. Please keep us updated.

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OMG, I know what you are going through. This is horrible. I hope that you find him. When Val escaped, she was just a little ways from the house. I was really glad that she had been clipped, and couldn't gain height. She was gone for 13 hours, almost to the minute. I pray you find him.

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I've just got back in after another 4 sightings or so. I have put up posters & asked the local kids to help, one of them spotted him flying high above & land in a tree near my home. I went into the field, called him with some contact calls & he came flying out of the tree but flew straight over & off again. This happened over the next couple of hours with the last sighting flying over my back garden. He has now flew off somewhere again unknown. Two of the times I sat in a field with his bowl of food & his favorite bell, I think he wanted to come down but is unable to land. I made sure I was enough distance away so he could land as I know they need 45 degrees to make a landing.


I'm starving hungry & thirsty as hell so I can only imagine Murphy feels the same. I'm sure he wants to come home but not quite sure how to.

Edited by reggieroo
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Murphy is probably going to stay in the area as he has seen you and just doesn't know how to come down out of the trees but he will and maybe tomorrow if not tonight, I will keep good thoughts that he does come down but keep a calm head about you.

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I've just got back in after another 4 sightings or so. I have put up posters & asked the local kids to help, one of them spotted him flying high above & land in a tree near my home. I went into the field, called him with some contact calls & he came flying out of the tree but flew straight over & off again. This happened over the next couple of hours with the last sighting flying over my back garden. He has now flew off somewhere again unknown. Two of the times I sat in a field with his bowl of food & his favorite bell, I think he wanted to come down but is unable to land. I made sure I was enough distance away so he could land as I now they need 45 degrees to make a landing.


I'm starving hungry & thirsty as hell so I can only imagine Murphy feels the same. I'm sure he wants to come home but not quite sure how to.


This is the progression of getting your bird back. You're doing well and those kids have more energy than your bird and you. Like I said earlier, flash some twenties and those kids wont stop. Put your birds cage, stands or whatever he owns that is a perch/house out side so he can see his items from a vantage point. Your bird has a call that he does when you leave the room. Use that call only to get him to call back. Any other sounds could have emotions hidden inside and he could be worried about being in trouble.


I've had at least 3 more responses that were way more in detail. When I went to post it logged me off and when I logged back on it wouldn't save my post...grrr. You're almost there, get some food and drink, keep the kids working while you take a break and then get back at it. It's important that you keep a solid state of mind and project that state of mind to your bird.

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Ohhh gahhhd nooooo! I so hope you find him. I have followed you since you got Murphy, and I have lost my baby once before so I know how it is. Keep contact calling. If you have a food you know he comes to, keep it with you. If yer still seeing him he will probably stay close to home. Do not give up, you will get him back. He may be like Isaac was, just happy to be able to see you and hang out outside. You just have to wait till he is ready to come to you. It will happen though. Keep report with him and keep trying.


I used Isaac's feeding cup to get him down. If you find him, try both close to the tree as well as the 45 degree angle. Isaac ended up hopping down from branch to branch right to my hand once he was ready for his food.

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The 45 degree angle is certainly important and Murphy is trying to fly down, but does not know how. I had the same issue with my conure which was in the top of a 75 foot tree. I ended up rolling his cage directly under that tree and he worked his way down far enough over a few hours that we used a pole we attached a T-Perch to with duct tape, he stepped down on to that then we slowly lowered it to his cage where he scrambled right in and drank a ton of water and then chomping down food. The reason I say this, is Murphy may or may not try the flight down. It's another avenue to try and perhaps at least keep him in the same tree so you know where he is.

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Just got back in at now 9.35pm, the sun went down around 9pm & the sky went quiet. I did one last walk round the village even though I knew would probabaly be pointless but I just couldn't give up. Haven't seen him since his last fly by over the garden a few hours ago. Guess that's it for the night now, don't know how I'm going to sleep. My little mate has gone! :(

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Just got back in at now 9.35pm, the sun went down around 9pm & the sky went quiet. I did one last walk round the village even though I knew would probabaly be pointless but I just couldn't give up. Haven't seen him since his last fly by over the garden a few hours ago. Guess that's it for the night now, don't know how I'm going to sleep. My little mate has gone! :(


Ohh man I know the empty feeling of not having him there. I got up multiple times to look in the cage to just hope it was all a dream when I lost Isaac. But hold tight. He is in the trees hunkering down for sleep. Get up at first light (assuming you sleep) and get out there contact calling. I found Isaac first thing in the morning preening in a tree. I will cross my fingers and send my best will to you finding him. It will happen. Go looking where you saw him last. They will be very chatty in the morning so be sure to be out there looking. It took me all day until 4PM that next day to get Isaac to come to me, but it did happen.

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Be strong. When you go out in the morning take Murphy's most favorite foods in something he will recognize, perhaps his food bowl. Use words and calls he will recognize. He is around, just be calm and know he wants to come home. I pray for Murphy to be safe and home safely very soon.

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He's close bro, listen to all the advice on here. Most importantly, put his stuff outside so he know where home is when he flies by or sights. Think about it...most of his life was on the inside looking out, now it's the opposite. His stuff outside is imperative to his return home.


Get some good rest (do whatever is necessary) and start fresh in the AM. I have used all the examples given to you helping others find their birds. Yet, danmcq had a very clever idea to help his bird down who is scarred of the decent. From your posts it seems that could be a possible problem. I'd make that PVC with a perch ASAP for the next sighting. Aside from predatory birds he'll be fine; moreover, you should know what type of predatory birds you have that are indigenous and present. As a bird watcher, I'd look for quiet birds or birds sounding alarms within a flock to a predator as an indicator that your bird is around.


All the best bro, Todd

Edited by tODDski
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