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Vacation Advice:


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Hi all, I'd like some advice if you have the time.......


I'm going on vacation to Key West in about a month and am worried about leaving our Grey at home. She is very attached to me, and while not really afraid of strangers (she likes to show off for them), she won't go anywhere near them. I'm the only one that she will come out to, and she is like velcro on me whenever I'm near - wanting pets and attention. She gets fairly upset if I don't give her attention every day.


I used to travel a lot for work and if I was going to be gone longer than a couple of days I would bring her with. She always traveled very well and didn't really think much of the car or new surroundings as long as I was around to tell her it was ok. For this trip, however, it is a pleasure trip rather than a business trip and we'll be driving down with two other couples - so obviously we won't be bringing her for multiple reasons.


My Dad, who she is somewhat acquainted with but not too fond of, would be feeding and watering her each day. I'm just worried she will have problems while I'm gone.....since.....well......I'll be gone and I've never left her for that long.


Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks all......

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i think since she knows your dad, she should do pretty good. we took a 4 day trip not long ago and had 2 people help out with the girls (one am's, one pm's). i set up in the refrigerator all kinds of "yummies" for the girls nightly "dinner". that way, they were getting items they were used to and enjoyed. we left the tv station on one they are used to and the radio on a station they're used to. maybe you're dad can start spending more time at your house and start giving her special treats (just from him) so you're grey gets to know him better than she does now. i hope this helps. have fun on your trip!

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