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Help ! Do i need to wing clip my parret?


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Hi every time i bring my parrot out of the cage and make him to step up on my hand, and when i sit down, he keeps flying on my Chandelier or he flsy to the kitchen walls , also if doors open he can fly away. I was told by many people that i should clip his wings so he can't fly any more. But i am aware that if i clip his wings he will be more likely to hurt him self by jumping down from his cage and breaking his tail wings, also he will be hurt mentally and physically.


I know that i can teach him the word "No" or "Stop It" , to stop him doing that.


I just wanted to know how many of you guys ( have/not have) clipped your parrots wings and what kind of experiences did you have. Can you please suggest me a way to over come this problem.

He is about 13 weeks old,


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Clipping such a young bird is one of the worst things that be done to a bird who hasn't developed muscles, wing control, landing and lifting abilities. A baby bird will never achieve things when clipped at such an early age. Keeping an unclipped bird calls for some sacrifice on the owner's part and the need to learn about the importance of flying.

Another example--is it good to declaw a cat because it scratches around a house and displeases the owner??


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Yes,you have a parrot, Welcome to our world. I have3 parrots who free fly around my house. Do I spend many minutes jumping up and down getting them off of the forbidden objects? YES! I re direct them, that's all you can do. It comes with the territory.

Most members here know from past posts how I feel about wing clipping. All 3 of my birds were clipped when I got them. But no longer. I am not in favor of it. You have a parrot, a bird that flies, dealing with that fact comes with the territory.

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I am not a fan of wing clipping. There are circumstances where it might be necessary. Small unmanageable children going in and out of the house. And well that's all I can think of!!! My TAG came clipped. Is now fully flighted and a darn good acrobat. Louie, the zon, has never been clipped and my newest CAG is lightly clipped by the breeder and bounces all around in his cage because he wants use of his wings. His tail is a mangled mess from the attempts to fly around. He will never be clipped again! It is a personal choice. Please read Dave007's posts. Personally, I believe ours fids are much more happy and confident if they can take flight when needed. Think about how you would like to only be able to crawl and not walk. It's probably like that for our feathered friends. I am so envious of their ability to fly free. I love the sound of flapping wings when my babies come looking for me. What a thrill!!!!!!

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AGPT, it does take time, persistence and patience to teach your grey/parrot where it is alright for them to light and perch. I have bungees and perches in each room and my parrots know that is where I recommend they land. The perches and bungees are where I take and perch the parrots when I first introduce them to a room. If they do land somewhere I don't what them to be, I remove them and put them in the designated spot. Greys/Zons and parrots in general are very smart and willingly want to be part of the flock. So they do try to do the right thing if you just show them what you expect and what is acceptable. My birdies cock the heads when I talk and really concentrate on what I am saying or trying to show them. They do definitely know the meaning of no, if you are consistent in your directions. They really are like small children wanting to please their parronts. You wouldn't put a one-year old in a room alone and just close the door and walk away, neither can you do this to your parrot. Just like a child they get bored and curious and can get into all finds of mischief!

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~~~~~I re-read OP an noticed at the end the bird is 13 weeks old, I stand by my advice for an older bird, but I agree with my more knowledgeable flock members for baby birds advice. Sorry for any misunderstandings, AGPT, tighten up your belt, place a nice fluffy towel on the bottom of the cage and bird proof your house. Im going to leave what I previously wrote thinking the bird was older, because this is what I believe.~~~~~~~~~~~


No disrespect to any of my wonderful forum members, but I am in total favor of clipping. Ive never had a baby grey, (although I'd love to one day) so I cannot relate to the fledging process or a lot of the issues new parents have with young greys.


This is my opinion only: AGPT if your parrot is an older bird already, and keeps trying to fly away at any chance, I'd hate to read another thread of "my baby is missing" "Got spooked flew away" or "it just happend so fast". I can relate because I had one of my past birds just fly away from a careless mistake, and it wont happen to me again.


The forum has wonderful advice on what to do if it does fly away, but I'd rather not have to feel that pain ever again. Ive been warned many times that a clipped bird can catch a gust of wind and glide away, but in my experience, my birds glide down to the floor. I am with them when they're outside, and they have never given me any problem yet. (God willing they WONT give me any problems either)


I guess I am "pro-clip". In the end the decision lies in what you really feel is important to you. Most people do not have the dedication to their fids as the "anti-clip" members of our flock. Also small children or irresponsible teenagers just dont have the love for your pet like you do. Unless the proper precautions are made in advance any slight mistake on your part or member of your family and your feathered friend can be gone in the wind in a second.


*** I also wanted to add that Daves threads about clipping were very well written and excellent reading, and I agree with everyone that his knowledge is very much appreciated. Thank you Dave for a very diffrent perspective that I would've never thought of if I were'nt part of this "wonderful flock". ***

Edited by Cupid
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Wow thak you guys. Thank you Talon , cupid , luvparrots and dave. Again i really appreciate your help and advise. Thank you all. I am totally against clipping and i try not to do it. also it seems that he is learning the meaning of the word "No" . I have to buy him a stand so i can potty train him . I also i have learnt him the " Re call" although it depends on his mood.

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