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Feeling like a new mom

Guest Miandruil

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Guest Miandruil

I'm about to leave Cyndr (CAG) for the first time for two weeks. We are going on vacation and boarding him at our Avian Vet. I trust them completely and they told me he will be fine but I still worry. I have been getting him used to a smaller cage. He won't get his bedtime cuddles or his "wanna play" time. What can I expect of him when I return home from vacation? Will he have problems readjusting? I will miss him terribly. Thank you for any and all replies.


Flatter me, and I may not believe you.

Criticize me, and I may not like you.

Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.

Encourage me, and I will not forget you.

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Guest alger316

It might be a good idea if you visited the boarding room at the vets with Cyndra a few days before you go. Spending an hour showing him around the place where he will be staying. This will get him used to the environment and won't be such a shock to the system.

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Guest Miandruil

Cyndr is tucked in at our Avian vets now. He seemed ok with it all. I cried when I left. He had a TAG in the cage next to him to talk with. As soon as he saw the TAG he said "hello buddy". Guess he was showing he was boss right off hehehe. It's soooooo quiet here now. I'm used to him calling me and talking and whistling constantly. He doesn't screech at all. I ignore all that and just say a word/phrase that he knows or tell him a new one and he forgets about the screeching. He did call the technician a little shit though. But he laughed after to let her know he was kidding. I let them know that I would be calling every few days to see how he was doing. After all he's only 16 months old! He's my baby! I'm so happy to hear about the possitive experiences you all have had and that makes this so much easier.

Thank you all.


I'll be lurking again in two weeks.

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Guest Miandruil

Thank you all for the great ideas. I feel better about leaving him now, knowing others had good experiences leaving your "kids". I wish we could leave him at home but our families live out of state. Our vet and the people who work in his office love Cyndr and already plan on playing with him and bringing him treats. I am happy about the social interactions he will be getting. He already barks and whines like my dogs when "daddy" is coming home. When I'm out of the family room where his cage is he calls "Lynn" in my husbands voice. I'm most worried about the home coming since I'm with him

24/7. Will he forget me? Will he be mad? I know I am going to miss the bedtime cuddles and "wanna play" times. But I will be brave :) Wish we could take him with us, he would love Mickey Mouse!

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